Specialized International Education Exhibitions Study Abroad in Rabat and Casablanca (the Kingdom of Morocco)

On June 21 22, 2023, specialized education exhibitions "Study Abroad" were held in two major key cities of the Kingdom of Morocco: Casablanca and Rabat. Russia, Spain, Canada, Hungary, Belgium, France, Turkey, UK, USA, Spain and Germany took part in the exhibition. The group of Russian state universities RACUS was the only organization that presented Russian higher education at the event. About 400,000 foreign citizens from 200 countries, including more than 3,000 citizens of Morocco, are already studying in Russian universities.
On June 21 22, 2023, specialized education exhibitions "Study Abroad" were held in two major key cities of the Kingdom of Morocco: Casablanca and Rabat. Russia, Spain, Canada, Hungary, Belgium, France, Turkey, UK, USA, Spain and Germany took part in the exhibition. The group of Russian state universities RACUS was the only organization that presented Russian higher education at the event. About 400,000 foreign citizens from 200 countries, including more than 3,000 citizens of Morocco, are already studying in Russian universities.
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Experts in the sphere of international education told the visitors of exhibition about studying in TOP 20 Russian State Universities belonging to RACUS group, the variety of educational programs (more than 1,200), the possibility to choose the language of instruction (French, Russian, English), as well as gave detailed information about the admission and enrollment of Moroccan students in leading Russian state universities. At the exhibition they issues of employment with the Russian diploma and career prospects it opens in any country of the world (including Russia and Morocco) were discussed.
 3 Specialized International Education Exhibitions Study Abroad in Rabat and Casablanca (the Kingdom of Morocco)
At the exhibitions in Rabat and Casablanca the most popular universities in Russia, the winners of the Forbes and THE rankings, were presented, as well as medical universities which are both the most demanded among Moroccan students and recognized in Morocco. These universities provide studies in the French language: Saratov State Medical University, Astrakhan State Medical University, Tambov State University, Saint Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical University, and Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy. The visitors also showed high interest in other leading universities of Russia: Saint Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine, Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University, and Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, which provide studies in French, English and Russian.
 4 Specialized International Education Exhibitions Study Abroad in Rabat and Casablanca (the Kingdom of Morocco)
Russian higher education is your guarantee of being in demand. The high status and prestige of the diplomas, which are recognized in all countries of the world, will open the doors of the world's leading companies for graduates. Specialists who have received higher education in Russia are in great demand on the international labor market.
 5 Specialized International Education Exhibitions Study Abroad in Rabat and Casablanca (the Kingdom of Morocco)
Learning an interesting and profitable profession, making lifelong friends, becoming an international specialist isn't that what each one of us wants? Welcome to Russia!
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The admission for the 2023/2024 academic year is OPEN! To apply, please visit our website WWW.EDURUSSIA.RU. Watch our videos on the RACUS RUSSIA YouTube channel and see how great it is to study in Russia!
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