International Education Exhibition Tour held in South Africa from 17th till 31st of May, 2022

 1 International Education Exhibition Tour held in South Africa from 17th till 31st of May, 2022
RACUS Group of Russian State Universities represented Russian higher education at a regional international education exhibition in Bushbuckridge from 17th till 31st of May, 2022. This education exhibition has seen last year students from the towns of Mkhuhlu, Marite, Bushbuckridge, Thulamahashe, Casteel, and Acornhoek.
 2 International Education Exhibition Tour held in South Africa from 17th till 31st of May, 2022
The visitors of the education exhibition received complete information about studying in TOP-20 state universities included in RACUS group. Annually thousands of highly qualified specialists in more than 1,200 programs in Medicine, Engineering, Economics and Humanities graduate from Russian universities and enter the international labor market. Every student has a possibility to choose the language of studies: English, Russian or French. This is why, after finishing the university, all graduates manage to find a well-paid job and have a 100% guarantee of employment in any country of the world.
 3 International Education Exhibition Tour held in South Africa from 17th till 31st of May, 2022
Education exhibitions in South Africa were held in a friendly and warm atmosphere. Such meetings make it possible to communicate directly with the students and their parents who can resolve all their concerns. For example, many students were interested in the application and admission procedure, hostel options and possibilities of further employment in Russia or foreign countries. We thank all the visitors of the exhibition for coming! See you in Russia! Apply right now on our website WWW.EDURUSSIA.RU
 4 International Education Exhibition Tour held in South Africa from 17th till 31st of May, 2022
 5 International Education Exhibition Tour held in South Africa from 17th till 31st of May, 2022

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