Annual corporate training for employees of the group of Russian state universities RACUS 2023
Annual corporate training for employees of the group of Russian state universities RACUS 2023
Today, the central office of RACUS Organization in Saint Petersburg is unusually crowded. The sweet aroma of blooming hortensias from the garden and the joyful chime of our guests' voices create a festive and exciting atmosphere. Our employees from Saratov, Veliky Novgorod, Astrakhan, Tambov and Nizhny Novgorod arrived to Saint Petersburg in a friendly company to join the annual corporate training, which has already become a good tradition of the Organization and a living platform for the experience exchange inside our large team. The training was held from May 24 to May 26 and included a variety of workshops in offline and online formats (for remote employees who work from other parts of the world).Among the invited speakers were Anton Dukhovsky (founder of the largest public speaking school in Russia), Arina Gorokhovskaya (business coach, career consultant and expert in responsibility management), our old friends Michael Bang (legendary business coach, founder of the International Sales School) and his beautiful wife Asya, as well as other outstanding industry experts. Each class brought a treasure trove of interesting information and insights, recharged us emotionally and gave each of us the motivation for personal achievements.Perhaps the most important benefit of such an annual session is the opportunity to look at our work from a different perspective, bring new ideas to it and become even closer to each other, to feel like a united Team with a common noble goal: preparing highly qualified professionals for the global labor market at Russian state universities of RACUS group. We received guidance on public speaking, storytelling, worked on personal responsibility, understood the psychological aspects of working with foreign youth and were inspired by new ideas on communication with international students.Professional development and qualifications update in the field of international relations is mandatory due to rapid changes in the existing foundations and the unstable situation in the world. It is important for us to be dynamic, stay on track and be able to adapt quickly in the modern world in order to maintain the highest level of services provided to international students and continue to popularize the "Study in Russia with RACUS" brand around the world. We learn new things, exchange experiences, develop strategies for the future in order to continue to carry out the mission of our Organization.We thank the invited experts, all our guests and employees for these 3 productive days of collaboration. We are looking forward to seeing you again! Friends, see you soon and only keep going forward!