The Group of Russian State Universities RACUS is an honorary participant of international educational exhibitions in Algeria

From the 7th to the 15th of November, RACUS organization took part in the well known international educational exhibition “Educational exhibition for graduates”, that took place in six Algerian cities – Algiers, Oran, Constantine, Tlemcen, Setif and Ouargla. The biggest universities and educational institutions from different countries – the USA, Canada, France, and Turkey – have also participated in the exhibition tour. This exhibition is the largest one in Algeria and traditionally attracts a large number of school and university students.
For RACUS organization, the participation in this annual event has already become a good tradition. The stand of the group of Russian state universities RACUS demonstrated Russian hospitality to young Algerians. Positive feedback from the visitors at the exhibition shows the great success of the RACUS organisation. The stand of the group of Russian state universities RACUS presented at the exhibition catches the public’s attention: our friendly representatives were always glad to answer all the questions concerning studies and life in Russia.
This year, organization “RACUS” represents the group of 20 Russian State universities. The visitors could obtain detailed information about the studies in Russian universities, the conditions of admission, the tuition fees and the features of everyday life in Russia.
Since the 15th of November the group of Russian state universities RACUS starts the application period in Russian state universities of the RACUS group for the 2019/2020 academic year. The information presented at the exhibition was extremely useful for everyone who is interested in prestigious international education and studying in Russian state universities.




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