Every year RAEX Agency puts out a list of the 100 Best Russian universities. In 2019, Saratov State Medical University (SSMU) appeared once again on the prestigious list where it holds an honorable 87-th position. The selection was made among over 1500 Russian universities and branch campuses.
The rating of RAEX is based on an exhaustive analysis of the quality of graduate education according to students, professors and reference groups such as employers and members of scientific community. High rating of SSMU demonstrates its high reputation both in educational and professional fields.
SSMU is part of the group of Russian state universities RACUS. Integration of high-tech equipment and advanced teaching methods into educational process stimulates greatly student learning at this excellent medical university. From the very first year of studies, students make internships at the best clinics of the city, where they learn directly from experienced doctors and help real patients. Such a symbiosis between theoretical and practical knowledge makes SSMU students fully ready to exercise their professions after graduation. This statement is confirmed by a great percentage of foreign graduates of SSMU who find a well-paid job and make an international career in their field of specialty. Indeed, diploma of this university I globally recognized.
At this moment over 7 000 students from 50 countries in the world get higher education at SSMU. This university enjoys a high international reputation and its graduates are in demand on the world job market.
Saratov State Medical University provides fundamental medical knowledge allowing its graduates to plot a path to future professional success!