RACUS organization together with the Russian center for science and culture in Tunisia held an educational fair “Study in Russia – 2017”

On 29th March 2017 RACUS organization together with the Russian center for science and culture in Tunisia held the specialized educational faire “Study in Russia – 2017” in Tunis.
An important number of Tunisian school leavers and their parents decided to benefit this chance and to get the full information about admission to Russian State universities of RACUS group straight from the source. The delegation from RACUS central office took part in the “Study in Russia – 2017” educational fair:
  • Director General of RACUS organization Mr. A.Nutsalov
  • Head of the Department of Northern and Western Africa of RACUS organization Ms. A.Oleynikova.
The fair venue was announced in leading media of Tunisia and it resulted in the great number of visitors, no only candidates interested in studies, but also parents of current Tunisian students that are now studying in Russian State universities of RACUS group: Astrakhan State Medical University, Tambov State University, Pyatigorsk Medical Pharmaceutical University, and Saint Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy. They had a chance to ask their questions and RACUS delegation took into consideration their demands for further use while working with those students. Parents expressed their gratitude to RACUS organization for their care about the students, their work and also morale building of the students.
The fair was also attended by the journalists who wrote their articles the next day about the venue and the advantages of higher education in Russian State universities of RACUS group.
All visitors of the fair got full information about studies in Russian universities, living conditions, documents preparation etc. To apply to studies in Russian State universities in 2017/2018 academic year, all visitors and their parents were invited to the representative office of RACUS organization in Tunisia.


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