RACUS Organization represented the educational potential of Russia at the hugest international education fair in Cairo, Egypt

Group of Russian state universities RACUS took part in one of the biggest international education fairs in the Middle East – EduGate – which was held in Cairo between 9th and 11th of March 2021.
Leading countries of the world participated in the fair: Russia, the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Germany, and France. Export of educational services is one of the most important indicators of the integration of these countries into the international community. Universities of Egypt also took part in the fair.

For the first time since 2019, the fair was held in the traditional offline format in the premium class hotel Kempinski Royal Maxim. The organizers did everything possible to ensure the safety of the guests and foreign participants of the fair and prevent the spread of the coronavirus infection: the temperature was controlled at the entrance of the fair, and wearing masks was obligatory.

The fair was visited by ambitious youth – students of the last years of Egyptian schools and universities and their parents.

The educational fair was opened by the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Egypt Khaled Abdel Ghaffar and the Minister of Communications and Information Technology Amr Talaat. In their speech, they highlighted the importance of international higher education in preparing specialists for the Egyptian labor market and wished success to the youth.

The fair stand was visited by A.R. Tevanyan, Counsellor of the Embassy of Russia in Egypt, the Director of RCSC in Cairo.

RACUS organization stand attracted a lot of students of schools and universities and their parents. RACUS organization representatives told prospective students about the advantages and opportunities to study in Russian universities, programs available, living and studying facilities, answered all the questions, and invited prospective students to visit the representation offices of the organization in Egypt for a more detailed consultation. The Egyptian youth was traditionally mostly interested in medicine and engineering programs. Most of the visitors were interested in Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, Astrakhan State Medical University, Saratov State Medical University, North Caucasus Federal University, South Russian State University named after M.I. Platov which are popular among Egyptian students. All visitors of RACUS stand received colorful information booklets and memorable souvenirs.

Group of Russian state universities RACUS whishes all the prospective students to pass their final exams with flying colors and enter the universities of their choice successfully as higher education is the key to happy life and successful future!

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