RACUS organization participated in the education exhibition tour in Tanger and Tetouan, Kingdom of Morocco


Pandemic is not the reason to postpone your life and deprive yourself of the possibility to receive quality higher education. The students of the final years of Moroccan schools agree with this opinion, and that is why they were so happy to attend the educational seminars organized in their schools between the 8th and the 13th of March 2021. These seminars in a number of schools in the North of Morocco (Tanger-Tetouan region) became the first stage of an education tour, which is planned to be held in the Kingdom of Morocco in the next several months to promote Russian higher education.

The epidemiological situation surely imposed its own restrictions on the event, but the organizers of the tour managed to attract the students while still adhering to all the necessary measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection taken by the Kingdom of Morocco. The representatives of RACUS organization together with the Russian Centre for Science and Culture in Rabat not only presented the leading Russian state universities with 100 years of history forming part of RACUS group but also paid attention to every student, provided them with detailed information, and answered all their questions.

Thus the students who plan to receive quality higher education abroad learned why Russia is their best choice: here they can study in French, English or Russian, receive a high level of education for a reasonable price, make friends from all over the world and of course receive the higher education degree recognized not only in Russia and Morocco but also in other countries of the world. This means that graduates with such a degree can enjoy an endless number of opportunities to continue their education and find a job.

RACUS organization expresses its deep gratitude to the organizers of the education tour and is looking forward to meeting Moroccan youth on the following stages of the education exhibition tour. See you in Fez-Meknes!


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