Participation of «RACUS» organization in the international educational exhibition «Times education boutique 2016 in Mumbai, Indi»

Next stop of «RACUS» organization within the education tour across India was the capital of one of the largest states of the country, Maharashtra, – the city of Mumbai, where from May 6 to May 7, 2016 the next stage of the international education exhibition "Times education boutique 2016" took place.
The State of Maharashtra, being one of the most developed states of India – both in economic, and in the educational way, has always attracted the educated youth of the country looking for self-improvement and self-knowledge. Certainly, this became the basis of that similar education events as international education exhibition "Times education boutique 2016" is a very popular activity on a state scale, as visitors – school leavers, university students and their parents realize importance of receiving high-quality higher education to have competitive knowledge and to be demanded not only in labor market of India, but also around the world.
Exhibition, having united on one platform the representatives of educational institutions from around the world, have given to its visitors incentive to deeper analysis of their future plans and career, as envoys from the different countries gave the widest possibility of the choice. Despite all variety, traditionally the booth of the group of Russian state universities "RACUS" captured special attention and was the most visited booth, having been awarded with a symbolical souvenir "Genius".
Visitors of the exhibition have been given a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the leading prestigious universities of RACUS group, known not only in Russia, but also around the world, being demanded in the world market of educational services. Such higher education institutions, traditionally popular in India, as Tambov state university, Astrakhan state medical university, Peter the Great St. Petersburg polytechnic university, Saratov state medical university, Nizhny Novgorod state university, Federal university of North Caucasus, Saratov state agrarian university, First Moscow state medical university after Sechenov, having more than 500 medical, technical, economic and humanitarian specialties, were presented to the guests of the booth. The main advantage of these higher education institutions is the fact that the most demanded specialties among youth of India as "General medicine", "Oil and gas engineering", "Civil engineering", "Mechanical engineering", "International relations", "Economics", "Management", "Information technologies", "Agronomy", "Veterinary science", are taught in English. The special attention of the visitors of the exhibition was drawn to Peter the Great St. Petersburg polytechnic university – the leader of the higher engineering and economic education with its strong academic base, their world famous graduates – Nobel prize winners and more than 20 master degree programs with English medium of instruction. Such indisputable advantages of university have undoubtedly strengthened desire of visitors of the exhibition to come to get higher education in Russia. Also the increased demand for programs of aviation sector should be noted, such as "Aeronautical engineering" and "Piloting in civil aviation" – specialties presented in the leading higher education institutions – St. Petersburg State University of civil aviation and Moscow aviation institute.
Within the exhibition RACUS organization has successfully held two seminars in exhibition hall conference rooms: on May 06 – about higher technical education in Russia and on May 07 – about higher medical education in Russia.
The exhibition has been widely covered in mass media, representatives of eminent higher education institutions of the country and chairmen of the State education Councils were present at the exhibition inauguration that emphasizes the high status of the exhibition as the leader in education sector of the State of Maharashtra.
The international education exhibition was attended by more than 10 000 visitors. None of the RACUS booth guests went ungifted away: everyone has received colorful brochures as well as brand souvenir products of the RACUS organization and invitations to individual consultations to the representative office of the RACUS organization in Mumbai.
Undoubtedly international education exhibition "Times education boutique 2016" in the city of Mumbai, has helped visitors of RACUS organization booth to make a choice of their future profession and the country of studies, and also was an incentive to submit the application for studies in Russia to become highly qualified specialist. It should be noted once again that similar events as well as representation of the Russian higher education institutions serve the humanitarian mission of promoting higher education of Russia and educating the foreign students for the benefit of their successful future and future of their country!
RACUS organization thanks for cooperation and hopes for further strong relationship ties with the international education exhibition "Times education boutique" and for ever-increasing interest of the Indian applicants to the Russian higher education! Welcome to study in Russia!

picture 1 Participation of «RACUS» organization in the international educational exhibition «Times education boutique 2016 in Mumbai, Indi»
picture 2 Participation of «RACUS» organization in the international educational exhibition «Times education boutique 2016 in Mumbai, Indi»
picture 3 Participation of «RACUS» organization in the international educational exhibition «Times education boutique 2016 in Mumbai, Indi»

picture 4 Participation of «RACUS» organization in the international educational exhibition «Times education boutique 2016 in Mumbai, Indi»
picture 5 Participation of «RACUS» organization in the international educational exhibition «Times education boutique 2016 in Mumbai, Indi»
picture 6 Participation of «RACUS» organization in the international educational exhibition «Times education boutique 2016 in Mumbai, Indi»

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