RACUS organization took part in the international education workshop, which was held in Berlin, Germany between 3rd and 5th November 2019.

Representatives of the RACUS organization had a great opportunity to network with educators from all over the world and present them advantages of Russian higher education such as quality instruction and wide recognition of Russian undergraduate diplomas. Numerous colleagues visited the information stand of RACUS organization where they were provided with detailed information on 20 Russian state universities of RACUS group and objectives of RACUS organization.

The workshop also provided RACUS representatives an opportunity to share their experience with international colleagues.

Every year RACUS organizes over 600 educational events in 72 countries (education fairs, conferences, open days etc.) in order to promote Russian higher education abroad and attract promising young people for studies in Russian state universities of RACUS group. These information campaigns achieve fruitful results. Indeed, the number of foreign students in Russia increased significantly in recent years.

After graduation former students of Russian state universities of RACUS group have theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for a fulfilling career path.

Russian higher education helps young people to build a successful future!