Participation of RACUS organization in education fairs in the South African Republic

The representatives of RACUS organization in the South African Republic took part in a series of education fairs held in the suburbs of Johannesburg from 13th February till 5th March of 2020. The organizers were planning to set up the series of 15 education fairs in this region up to August 2020. However, due to the urgent measures required to stop the propagation of the coronavirus pandemic, only 5 fairs have been kept for this moment, the others were delayed until further notice.
Information stand of RACUS organization attracted South-African college students’ attention and provoked their interest. The representatives of RACUS organization informed in detail all guests of this educational event about each of 20 state universities of RACUS group that offer a wide choice of more than 500 of the most demanded study programs taught in English, Russian and French.

A lot of young South-African citizens were interested in the opportunity to discover one of 10 cities of the European part of Russia, where RACUS organization proposes foreign students to pursuit their studies. The fact that RACUS organization supports their students throughout the whole period of their studies in Russia, helping solve their everyday life, routine and studying problems, was crucial for the choice of higher education establishment for many young South Africans graduating from schools.

All guests of education fair thanked the representatives of RACUS organization for very useful information that has been provided.

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