Good news for all international students! The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation has published the regulations for the entry of foreign students

The Ministry of Higher Education and Science of the Russian Federation issued letter № MH-7/7226 dated 09/01/2021, which regulates the organization of the arrival of all foreign students to study at Russian universities, regardless of the resumption of air traffic with these countries. We congratulate all students on this long-awaited news and publish the basic information you need to know and follow for your successful arrival in Russia.

  • For students who are in Russia, format of the studies: offline.
  • For students who are outside of Russia - online study format BEFORE arriving in Russia. After arrival - offline.

1. Students who have a valid student visa must:

1.1. Ensure that the visa is valid for at least 35 days after the expected date of arrival in Russia, this is a prerequisite.
1.2. If the visa is valid for more than 35 days, the student must inform their university of their arrival in Russia at least 10 days before the expected date of arrival. To do this, it is necessary to send a copy of the passport, a copy of the visa, a ticket to the e-mail of the international department of the university. Be sure to get confirmation from the university and follow all instructions. University staff will inform you about the inclusion of you in the lists on the State Services.
1.3. You must pass a PCR test 3 days before arriving in Russia, otherwise you will not be allowed to enter Russia. Also, upon arrival in Russia, it is necessary to pass a PCR test within three days and to be on self-isolation until the test results are received.

2. For students who do not have a visa and who entered universities in 2020 or 2021 - contact the RACUS representative office in your country or the RACUS central office by email: We will help you with the submission of documents for issuing an invitation to the migration service for further obtaining a study visa at the Russian Embassy and will organize your arrival as part of a group to study at your university. The expected period of arrival of students to study at universities (taking into account the deadline for issuing an invitation, visa and other formalities): the second half of October - November 2021.

3. Students who do not have a visa and who entered to study in 2019 and earlier must:

3.1. Send a request to the international departments of the universities of your study to issue you invitations. Students need to attach three documents to the e-mail: a questionnaire (provided by the university), a copy of a passport, a copy of the last visa, which has expired. Each student will receive an invitation as soon as it is issued by the Migration Service: the time for issuing an invitation is about 45 days. From 50,000 to 80,000 applications from foreign students will be received by the Migration Service, so we kindly ask all students to be patient and wait for feedback, which will certainly be received as the applications are processed. All consultations can be obtained from the staff of the international departments of universities. To issue an invitation, students are required to fulfill all the conditions under the contract (provision of the necessary package of documents, payment for tuition, accommodation, insurance). The expected period of arrival of students to study at universities (taking into account the deadline for issuing an invitation, visa and other formalities): the second half of October - November 2021.
3.2. After receiving an invitation, apply for a visa at the Russian Embassy of your country, buy a ticket and inform the university of your arrival at least 10 days before the expected arrival. To do this, it is necessary to send a copy of the passport, a copy of the visa, a ticket to the e-mail of the international department of the university. Be sure to get confirmation from the university and follow all instructions.
3.3. You must pass the PCR test 3 days before arriving in Russia, otherwise you will not be allowed to enter Russia. Also, upon arrival in Russia, it is necessary to pass a PCR test within three days and to be on self-isolation until the test results are received.

Students can enter Russia by any flights, that is, direct or transit flights (regardless of the transit country). We ask you to organize your visit to Russia not earlier than September 15-20, in connection with the final fulfillment by various departments of the formalities for the entry into force of the instructions of the letter № MH-7/7226 dated 09/01/2021.

After entering Russia, the student will be able to vaccinate on a voluntary basis with any of the vaccines recognized in Russia. Vaccination conditions are available at the university.

If you have any questions, you can send letters to the organization "RACUS" by email: You will be provided with a complete and up-to-date consultation.

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