At this moment the whole world is fighting against the pandemic of coronavirus (COVID-19). The actual situation in Russia is totally controlled by the Government. The measures undertaken in time by the Russian Government have considerably reduced a massif propagation of COVID-19 all over the country. Due to these measures the extension of coronavirus disease inside the country is minimal and in general the infection is detected among the individuals returning from the other countries where the epidemic situation is more serious. The state of health of everyone who returns in Russia is checked up at the airports, the individuals with illness symptoms are transported to the hospitals as for those who were in contact with them, they are placed under two-week quarantine. In Russia the treatment of all infected with coronavirus is free of charge for all nationalities.
The Russian health-care system is one of the world’s best. Conforming to the declarations of the press-service of the Russian Federal Medical-Biological Agency comparative clinical trials are already started in our country.
In aim to assure the security of citizens and guests of our country, the Russian Government has established a special regime that obliges all companies and Universities to pursuit their work in a distance.
Currently, the students continue their university studies online. All students are staying at their residences on self-isolation and will be provided with all educative material by electronic services till the 30th of April of 2020. The educational process is maintained confirming to the State educational standards.
All foreign citizens studying in Russian State Universities and assisted by RACUS group are safe and in a good health. None of 8 500 foreign students from 82 countries all over the world admitted by RACUS organization for academic year 2019/2020 is infected at this moment. All our students are feeling good.
The members of the RACUS organization from the central office in Saint-Petersburg, as well as those from our subsidiary offices in 10 Russian cities are working hard to stay in touch with every single student to control his studying process and his state of health. We guarantee that in case of necessity every student will be provided with free and qualified medical help. We hope that the preventive measures will exclude the necessity of any medical help for our students.
If you have any question, please, send us an email: /
RACUS organization wishes you a strong health and a lot of optimism! Everything is going to be alright!
Kind regards,
Director General of RACUS organization A. Nutsalov
Kind regards,
Director General of RACUS organization A. Nutsalov