Make the right decision today — the one that you will always be proud of. Study in Russia!
Enjoy the results of this decision throughout your long, successful, and happy life!

We will help you to choose
a program of study





  • General Medicine
  • Dentistry
  • Pharmacy
  • Veterinary Medicine
  • and more than 100 Clinical Residency programs


  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • IT and Cybersecurity
  • Shipbuilding and Navigation
  • Oil and Gas Engineering, Mining
  • and more than 1000 programs


  • Management
  • Economics
  • Banking
  • Statistics
  • Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • and more than 50 programs


  • International Relations
  • Pedagogy
  • Law
  • Journalism
  • Linguistics
  • and more than 200 programs

4 easy steps
to study in Russia

Take the first step towards your dream

  • Choose an educational program

    We offer education in more than 1,200 programs in Medicine, Engineering, Economics and Humanities

  • Submit the required documents and receive an Admission letter

    With the Admission letter you will get an invoice for payment for the 1st year of your studies

  • Receive an invitation to study in Russia

    After receiving an invitation to study, contact the Consular Department of Russian Embassy in order to get your visa

  • Get a student visa and come to study in Russia

    Once you receive a student visa, you can plan your arrival to the university


Education at any academic level

Specialist's Degree

5/6 years of study

Specialist's Degree is a level of higher education, upon completion of which the qualification Specialist is assigned. At this level, fundamental disciplines, within which students are prepared to work in a particular industry, are studied extensively.

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Clinical Residency

2–5 years of study

Clinical Residency is a PhD program for graduates of medical schools. The main objective of this level is to train specialists for practical work in particular and specific areas of medicine.

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3 years of study

PhD is a level of education, the main purpose of which is the training of scientific and pedagogical staff in a certain academic field.

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Bachelor's degree

4 years of study

Bachelor's degree is the first level of basic higher education, which lasts 4 years. It provides an opportunity to acquire fundamental knowledge in the chosen field and to master individual research skills.

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Master's degree

2 years of study

Master's degree is the second level of higher education, which allows you to deepen specialization in a certain professional direction and in some cases, to change it.

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3 years of study

PhD is a level of education, the main purpose of which is the training of scientific and pedagogical staff in a certain academic field.

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Cities and universities of Russia

What students say about us

For over 35 years, we have been providing admission of international students from all over the world to Russian state universities so that they could receive a high-quality, prestigious, and globally recognized higher education diploma



I am a Lebanese student and I study in Russia at Tambov State University. The university level is very good, and it is recognized in all Arab countries! There are students from all countries studying in French, English, and Russian. I am very happy to study in Russia!

Saad Jozef, Lebanon

Логотип университета

Tambov State University

Hichem Gritli, Tunisia

Логотип университета

Astrakhan State Medical University

Student life in Russia is full of new experiences and joys. Besides, our teachers are very good. Studying in Russia is an excellent opportunity to learn what I am interested in for building my career after graduation. It is very fun to live in the students’ hostel. Here you hear many languages and can make friends from all over the world.

Lamamri El'Heythem, Algeria

Логотип университета

Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod

Maryam Kibbou, Morocco

Логотип университета

Astrakhan State Medical University

Russia is one of the best countries which perfectly suits for studies and obtaining the higher education due to top quality studies, high-skilled professors and wide range of specialties. That is why it was not difficult for me to choose Russia as a place to study! As Nizhny Novgorod State University is a multicultural university and there are students from all over the world, I have learnt a lot about other cultures and traditions and was able to also adapt fast and easily to the Russian culture as well. Despite the fact that I am far away from my family and friends I am happy with my decision to move to Russia and get higher education here. Nizhny Novgorod State University is one of the top universities in Russia guaranteeing you a solid foundation in your field of interest, so I would like to thank the Group of Russian State Universities RACUS for helping me to come for studies to this University and assisting me all this time!

Ngwenya Bongani Collin Jr, South Africa

Логотип университета

Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod

Dergal Sirine, Algeria

Логотип университета

Derzhavin Tambov State University

As we know, Russia is one of the best countries for medical education, and it's not expensive compared to other countries. The education system is quite different from India. For example, the number of students per group is limited to 7–10, which is good for concentration in class.

Bhakare Swapnil, India

Логотип университета

Astrakhan State Medical University

Ngoma Tsoulou Ghismie Nelia, Congo

Логотип университета

Derzhavin Tambov State University

I am a first-year student at Tambov State University. Studying here is very encouraging because of the high ranking of the university, and also thanks to the kind-hearted relationship between Russian and foreign students who always help each other! Also, there are professional teachers and doctors who help the students in all matters that arise during their studies at the university.

Ali Morda, Lebanon

Логотип университета

Tambov State University

Uyamba Beatriz Camia Saprinho, Angola

Логотип университета

Saratov State Medical University

When discussing higher education in Russia, you have to say that it is recognized as one of the best in the world. I chose to pursue higher education in Russia because it offers excellent opportunities on the global job market. I am thrilled to study and live in Nizhny Novgorod. The cost of living in Russia—including food, transportation, and clothing—is much more affordable than in Europe or North America – just $300 per month. Teachers use modern teaching methods that meet the highest international educational standards, plus the university is equipped with excellent laboratories – all of this will help me achieve career success in Angola. Beyond classes, student life is vibrant and diverse. Students explore a new culture, learn Russian, improve their English, participate in sports, and much more. Russia is a multinational country where many cultures come together. I highly recommend studying in Russia, and the RACUS organization is always there to assist you every step of the way!

Mirandeiro de Oliveira, Angola

Логотип университета

Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University

Rahhou Aya, Morocco

Логотип университета

Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky

After obtaining my secondary school certificate, I knew that I could not do medicine in Tunisia, so I had to look elsewhere and I chose Russia. Several Tunisian doctors who graduated in Russia encouraged me. In addition, I did some research on the Internet and I found that quite a few Russian universities have a good level on a global scale, so I decided to go to the RACUS office to file my application. My typical day in 6ᵉ grade was spent between the hospital in the morning and the university in the afternoon. Apart from that, our university offers us several clubs: media, art, sports and others, as for me, I was the president of the science club. We organized open days, events and discussions with students and professors, it was very interesting and I am really proud of it.

Khalfaoui Amal, Tunisia

Логотип университета

Tambov State University

Ebong Affane Fréderique Anaïs, Gabon

Логотип университета

Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky

Tambov State University is one of a kind. The facilities provided here are perfect for student life. Students get personal attention and consultations from the professors. There are free study materials provided, an opportunity to play different kinds of sports and to participate in various social and cultural events. We get enough time to prepare for exams and to enjoy our hobbies. The hostels are clean and comfortable. It feels like home here. Russia is a beautiful country. The standard of living is very high. We get acquainted not only with the Russian traditions but also with the traditions of other foreign students. My life has taken a new turn and my personality has boosted. Studying in Russia has helped me learn a lot in life. That is why I will graduate from the university not only as a doctor, but also as a self-confident person.

Mihir Nilkantha Patil, India

Логотип университета

Tambov State University

Sellami Imen, Tunisia

Логотип университета

Saint Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical University

J'ai choisi la Russie ne pas par hasard – mes frères aînés ont obtenu la formation supérieure en Russie et maintenant travaillent au Maroc. À vrai dire, je m'inquiétais un peu avant le départ en Russie, mais étant arrivé en Russie, j'ai compris qu'il ne fallait pas m'inquiéter. Les russes sont des personnes très aimables et ont une bonne formation. Dès le début, les représentants de RACUS m'ont aidé à l'aéroport, au foyer et à l'université, donc à toutes les étapes. Je peux toujours m'adresser à eux et je sais qu'ils vont m'aider. À l'université, il y a tout le nécessaire pour les études réussies. L'équipement technique des laboratoires et les technologies contemporaines de l'enseignement me plaisent beaucoup ! Ce n'est pas facile d'étudier, mais je veux avoir la formation supérieure de qualité et devenir un bon pharmacien. C'est mon but et je vais l'atteindre.

Dahdouh Houssam, Morocco

Логотип университета

Saint Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical University

Sai Mallikharjuna Reddy Devireddy, India

Логотип университета

Saint Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine

Education in Astrakhan is wonderful; all the lessons here are so useful. Besides education, the language plays an important role. When going outside, Russian comes in handy, and it is very easy to learn if a student puts the interest and the effort in. Life at the hostel is also pretty good. You get to live happily and comfortably with other foreign students. All the facilities are available to any extent. Life in Astrakhan is always comfortable, although the weather could not be appealing at times, especially in winter, which starts in January and ends in March. There are lots of places to visit for many purposes. Overall, I enjoy studying in Astrakhan, and I would hope a myriad amount of students would come from Sri Lanka to study here.

Achala Rangana Dewendra, Sri Lanka

Логотип университета

Astrakhan State Medical University

Shenouda Ashraf Sabry Farg, Egypt

Логотип университета

Saratov State Medical University

News and events

Study in Russia

Étudier en Russie

Обучение в России

Study in Russia

Étudier en Russie

Обучение в России

Group of universities RACUS is a leader among exporters of Russian higher education

  • 1991

    year of RACUS organization foundation

  • >100

    age of our universities

  • >100К

    foreign graduates

  • >130


  • 77

    representative offices worldwide

  • 11

    representative offices in Russian cities