Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy
Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy ranks second in the list of the leading educational pharmaceutical institutions of the Russian Federation (after Saint Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical University). The academy provides training in the field of pharmacy in various forms of education for 60 regions of Russia as well as foreign countries of Africa, the Middle East and Asia.

Perm, Russia
Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
State university
2nd best Russian pharmaceutical universities
year of foundation
University Gallery

I am convinced that a person can be truly happy only when they love their specialty, are passionate about their work, and are wholeheartedly devoted to it, when the feel that they are needed by society and their work benefits people
Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy
Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy (PSPA) is a recognized center of pharmaceutical education in Russia. The training of pharmaceutical personnel started here in 1918 when the pharmaceutical department (faculty) of Perm Classical University was created. In 1937, the pharmaceutical faculty of Perm Classical University was reorganized and a separate higher educational institution was created on its basis – Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy.

Academy includes:
- 5 faculties;
- 20 departments (14 of which are headed by doctors of sciences and professors);
- Scientific library;
- 8 research laboratories;
- Regional Center for Analytical Diagnostics of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances;
- Regional Testing Center of Roszdravnadzor for Standardization and Quality Control of Medicines;
- Regional Center for Destruction of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances;
- Practice pharmacy;
- Dental clinic;
- Scientific and Educational Center.
The academy has about 4,000 students, including those from Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Since its establishment, the university trained more than 25 thousand specialists with higher pharmaceutical education and about 300 masters of pharmacy for foreign countries. More than 25 thousand specialists in practical pharmacy have improved their qualifications and more than 20 thousand people have taken certification cycles.
The graduates of the academy work in the field of industrial production and pharmaceutical manufacturing, quality control, organization of provision of medicines to the population, pharmaceutical supervision, physical and forensic chemical analysis.
The educational process and the implementation of scientific research are provided by about 250 teachers, among whom more than 70% have academic degrees and the titles of doctors of sciences.
Material and technical base
Taking into account the key role of the use of modern information technologies in the development of all areas of activity, the academy is creating a material and technical base adequate to modern requirements. Today there are 5 academic buildings, including the educational and research center, 2 student dormitories, a nursery of medicinal plants, sports, and recreation base. All buildings and divisions of the academy have access to the Internet and an internal communication system. For the organization of the educational process, there are lecture halls equipped with modern technical devices and computer classes.
Scientific activity
The main directions of the research work on the creation of new medicines based on organic synthesis products and plant raw materials, improving the drug supply to the population and solving social problems of the humanity, as well as improving educational technologies correspond to the priority directions of innovative development of pharmaceutical science. Thus, over the past 3 years, more than 850 articles and abstracts have been published, including 260 with the participation of the students, 9 grants and 26 patents for inventions have been received, 20 patent applications have been filed and 20 patents for inventions are supported annually. This is a notable achievement for a specialized pharmaceutical university.
International development
Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy is a dynamically developing higher pharmaceutical educational institution focused on the latest educational technologies, with significant scientific potential and high demand for graduates, both in Russia and abroad.

Based on the existing research potential, highly qualified professional personnel, technical, information and methodological base, the Academy creates real opportunities for the development of scientific research, improving the quality of educational services provided, improving the regulatory framework in the field of pharmacy, developing the system of continuing professional education, improving the social environment for the students and teaching staff, as well as further cooperation with pharmaceutical organizations and pharmaceutical manufacturers from all over the world.
Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy actively participates in socially significant national and regional projects and programs aimed at solving social problems. Organization of scientific research, scientific and practical seminars and conferences, implementation of methodological assistance to managers and specialists in the field of healthcare and pharmacy, educational work, as well as information, consulting and marketing services focus on improving the quality and accessibility of medical care to the population and medical preventive institutions.
The favorable geographical position of the academy, developed transport services and fast-growing social and market infrastructure of the region, high quality of training and research work contribute to an increase in demand for specialized training in the field of pharmacy from applicants and students from all over the world..

The stable development of Russia's economic and other relations with foreign countries, processes of integration of the Academy into the international educational and scientific space contributed to the establishment of the Academy as a full-fledged actor in the international research and education market and the expansion of cooperation with such foreign partners as: University of Illinois, (Chicago, USA); University of Metz (France); Harbin Medical University (Harbin, China); Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Beijing), National University of Singapore, World Health Organization, etc.
Student life

Perm is a large industrial city located in front of the Ural Mountains on the picturesque bank of the Kama River. Its area is about 800 km2 (4th place in Russia). The population of the city is not so large — a little more than 1 million people. The area of green spaces in Perm comprises 73% of the city's territory, so it is considered the “greenest” in Russia. Well-organized recreation areas are intersected by ecological trails, routes for hiking, cycling and horseback riding. In city parks there are entertainment locations with amusement areas, sports facilities, organized spaces for shows and festive events.
The city also claims the status of the cultural capital. Perm is full of interesting museums, galleries of classical and modern art. Architectural monuments of the XIX century have been preserved in the quarters of the historical center. Local theaters are among the best ones in Russia. Perm ballet school is also famous throughout Russia and is among the top three, after Saint Petersburg and Moscow.
Perm is a pleasant city with friendly people and a developed culture. A perfect place to spend unforgettable student years!
Curious fact: A humanoid “Promobot” with artificial intelligence has been developed in Perm. More than 500 robots of this model work all over the world as administrators and guides.
Tip: Take a walk along the embankment of the Kama River and take a picture at the inscription: “Happiness is just around the corner” — one of the symbols of the city.

An important and integral part of the academy's activities is extracurricular work, which allows to create conditions for self-realization and creative growth of the students. Theater groups, a wide network of educational centers and sport clubs let students increase their intellectual and creative potential and promote a healthy lifestyle, while the established system of supporting student and graduate employment aids keeping contact with potential employers.
Welcome to Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy, an Academy with 100 years of history. Do you dream of becoming a pharmacist and contributing to the development of global pharmaceutics? Apply!