Zakir Hussain Sumaiya Farhana (India), holder of the RACUS's Bright Future scholarship, graduated with distinction

picture 1 Zakir Hussain Sumaiya Farhana (India), holder of the RACUS's Bright Future scholarship, graduated with distinction
The group of Russian State Universities RACUS congratulates heartily the graduate of the Medical Institute of Tambov State University, Zakir Hussain Sumaiya Farhana, holder of the Bright Future scholarship, on the completion of her clinical residency! Sumaya was chosen as the winner of the competition for high academic achievement, active social work, taking into account the positive references from teachers and difficult family situation (her father passed away). The scholarship was provided by the RACUS organization for a full clinical residency course in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and included 100% of the fees for tuition and accommodation in a student hostel.
picture 2 Zakir Hussain Sumaiya Farhana (India), holder of the RACUS's Bright Future scholarship, graduated with distinction
Dear Sumaya! A diploma with distinction is in your hands, your proud and happy mother is next to you! You went through years of hard work and productive student life! Keep developing in your profession, don't stop believing in yourself and be true to your dream! Never look back! We wish you success!
picture 3 Zakir Hussain Sumaiya Farhana (India), holder of the RACUS's Bright Future scholarship, graduated with distinction
This form of support for gifted students is a common practice in the group of Russian State Universities RACUS. We highly appreciate students for academic success and always see their progress and initiativity. In the RACUS organisation we support our talented students and provide about 100 scholarships to the best students annually for studies at the TOP 20 State Universities of Russia that form part of the RACUS group. You can find more information on our website EDURUSSIA.RU


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