To the State Duma of Russia was submitted a draft on simplification of obtaining a residence permit for foreign students

picture 1 To the State Duma of Russia was submitted a draft on simplification of obtaining a residence permit for foreign students
According to the database of the lower house of parliament, Russian Government has submitted to the State Duma a bill according to which foreigners arriving to Russia for the purpose of obtaining higher education at state universities will be able to get a temporary residence permit in Russia under a simplified procedure, and after completing their studies – a residence permit.
The explanatory note to the draft says that "Foreign citizens arriving to Russia for the purpose of studying at a state educational or state scientific organization will be able to get a temporary residence permit for the purpose of obtaining education. In addition, foreign students will have the right to obtain a residence permit in Russia under simplified procedure within three years after the graduation".
It is noted that a temporary residence permit will be issued to foreign students upon application if there is a confirmation of enrolment in a state educational or scientific organization for the duration of full-time study and following 180 calendar days.

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