The signing of the Cooperation Agreement between Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Poly-technic University and University of Carthage (Tunisian Republic)

On 5th August 2016, within agreements established in July 2016 during the meeting of RACUS group of Russian State Universities with the administration of leading Tunisian universities, in the main building of Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University a ceremony was held to sign the Cooperation Agreement between Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University and University of Carthage (Tunisian Republic). University of Carthage was represented by: Professor A. El Asmi, President of University of Carthage, O. Hafiane, Director at the Faculty of Russian language of University of Carthage. Russian side during the signing of the Cooperation Agreement was represented by: V. Glukhov, First Vice-Rector of Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University E. Satalkina, Head of the International Cooperation Department of Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University Avbakar Nutsalov, General Director of RACUS organization Ksenia Sholokhova, Head of the North Africa Department of RACUS organization and other personel of Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University. The ceremony of signing the Cooperation Agreement was opened by V. Glukhov, First Vice-Rector of Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, who spoke on the University, which is well-known in the world, on educational programs and confirmed the interest in the cooperation between universities. In response, Professor A. El Asmi, President of University of Carthage thanked the Russian side for the warm welcome and represented his University that is the biggest State University in Tunisia with rich history and extensive experience. Mr. A. El Asmi noticed that Russia is ranked first considering the number of tourists in Tunisia. He hoped that, as a result of the Cooperation Agreement between Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University and University of Carthage, Russia will be ranked first in the field of education as well as in student exchange, professor exchange and conjoint science research. The representatives of Russian and Tunisian sides expressed their confidence that inter-university cooperation in the field of education and conjoint science research will be fruitful and also very beneficial for both sides. At the end of the ceremony of signing the Cooperation Agreement, the parties exchanged souvenirs and gifts. A. El Asmi, President of University of Carthage, invited all those present to visit the University of Carthage and to implement the paragraphs of signed Agreement. The administration of Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University thanked RACUS organization for its assistance in signing the Cooperation Agreement and agreed to continue the promotion of Russian higher education abroad and the development of inter-university cooperation.

picture 1 The signing of the Cooperation Agreement between Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Poly-technic University and University of Carthage (Tunisian Republic)
picture 2 The signing of the Cooperation Agreement between Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Poly-technic University and University of Carthage (Tunisian Republic)
picture 3 The signing of the Cooperation Agreement between Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Poly-technic University and University of Carthage (Tunisian Republic)

picture 4 The signing of the Cooperation Agreement between Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Poly-technic University and University of Carthage (Tunisian Republic)
picture 5 The signing of the Cooperation Agreement between Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Poly-technic University and University of Carthage (Tunisian Republic)
picture 6 The signing of the Cooperation Agreement between Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Poly-technic University and University of Carthage (Tunisian Republic)

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