The long-awaited news: Tambov State University gets a license to start a training program in Pharmacy in 2023


Good news! Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin has received a license to provide training in a popular program "Pharmacy". The training period is 5 years. It will be conducted in Russian and French.  The first enrollment will take place in 2023 (2023/2024 academic year). The University plans to implement a training program for specialists in Pharmacy jointly with one of the best Russian state pharmaceutical universities – Saint Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University.

picture 1 The long-awaited news: Tambov State University gets a license to start a training program in Pharmacy in 2023
The pharmaceutical market, which is growing rapidly around the world, has been experiencing an increasing shortage of personnel with higher pharmaceutical education for the past five years. The graduates of Tambov State University will be able to operate and manage pharmacies, get employment in the world's leading pharmaceutical companies, research centers or in supervisory authorities for pharmaceuticals.
picture 2 The long-awaited news: Tambov State University gets a license to start a training program in Pharmacy in 2023
75% of the teaching staff are doctors of sciences and have PhD. The classes for specialized disciplines and practical classes will be conducted and organized together with partners and industry experts. These will be large pharmaceutical companies of the Tambov region ("Tambovfarmatsiya", "Ruspharma", "Nizhpharm", "Akrikhin"). During five years of studying, the students will have eight types of practices. By the end of their training, the graduates will have outstanding experience which will make them competitive specialists in the world's pharmaceutical market. Over the past two years, employees of the University's Department of Biochemistry and Pharmacology have published more than 30 scientific papers and received three certificates for patents.
picture 3 The long-awaited news: Tambov State University gets a license to start a training program in Pharmacy in 2023
The University's participation in the "Priority 2030" program will strengthen and develop this specialty. The purpose of this program is to form a group of the universities, leaders in the creation of new scientific knowledge, technologies and developments for implementation in the Russian economy and social sphere. The universities-participants of the program develop and disseminate the best practices of research, innovation and educational activities throughout the higher education system. These will allow graduates of Russian universities to develop the skills and abilities necessary for their success in the modern world labor market and in the future conditions of rapid scientific and technological progress.
Getting a higher pharmaceutical education at one of the outstanding Russian state universities with 100 years of history recognized by the World Health Organization is the first step towards building a successful career of a pharmacist in any country of the world. The opening of the specialty "Pharmacy" at the University is a big step in strengthening meeting the needs of foreign youth to study in French in the program "Pharmacy" on a par with other medical programs, such as "Medicine" and "Dentistry". Thus, foreign youth will have an excellent opportunity to get a higher education in all programs of higher medical education - "Medicine", "Dentistry" and "Pharmacy". The opening of the specialty "Pharmacy" at Tambov State University will further strengthen its position in the rankings in French-speaking countries, where the university is already in high demand.
Getting a higher pharmaceutical education at one of the outstanding Russian state universities with 100 years of history recognized by the World Health Organization is the first step towards building a successful career of a pharmacist in any country of the world. The opening of the specialty "Pharmacy" at the University is a big step in strengthening meeting the needs of foreign youth to study in French in the program "Pharmacy" on a par with other medical programs, such as "Medicine" and "Dentistry". Thus, foreign youth will have an excellent opportunity to get a higher education in all programs of higher medical education - "Medicine", "Dentistry" and "Pharmacy". The opening of the specialty "Pharmacy" at Tambov State University will further strengthen its position in the rankings in French-speaking countries, where the university is already in high demand.

You can apply and learn more about studying in Russia on the website WWW.EDURUSSIA.RU


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