The fourth major education exhibition held in Tunisia: interest in studying in Russia does not wane

Today, the fourth educational exhibition in Tunisia where the group of Russian state universities RACUS presented Russian higher education has ended. The exhibition was held in the spacious modern Africa hotel in the city center. The most popular programs among the Tunisian youth traditionally were General Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy in French. The most popular universities were Tambov State University, Saratov State Medical University, Astrakhan State Medical University and Saint Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical University. All these universities are recognized in Tunisia, take first places in the rankings of medical institutions in Russia and are famous for the excellent quality of education.

Every year, the number of ambitious Tunisian youth who have completed higher education in the TOP 20 universities of Russia belonging to RACUS group is steadily growing. Every day, the employees of RACUS organization put in a lot of efforts to make studying at our universities as comfortable, interesting and accessible for you as possible. We make sure that your choice – studying in Russia – becomes the starting point in a life full of incredible opportunities and career prospects.

The Group of Russian State Universities RACUS has representative offices in 75 countries and branches in 10 cities of the European part of Russia. More than 353,000 foreign students from 200 countries of the world are already studying at Russian state universities. You can fill in the application form to learn more or book a seat on the website: WWW.EDURUSSIA.RU

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