The ambitious youth of Sierra Leone found out the benefits of studying at Russian state universities, as well as the career prospects for holders of a Russian higher education diploma and the professional opportunities that study in Russia opens up for them.
The first educational workshops of the group of Russian state universities RACUS took place in the schools of the capital of Sierra Leone in Freetown. The representative office of the RACUS organization in Sierra Leone, opened in August 2021, began an intensive popularization and promotion Russian higher education in the Republic. The head of the representative office of the RACUS organization in Sierra Leone, Mrs Tatiana Sesay, told future applicants about the prospects that open up after obtaining a diploma of higher education and about the variety of educational programs. Every year Russian universities graduate qualified personnel in more than 1,200 medical, engineering, economic and humanitarian specialties that are in demand on the global labor market. Moreover, each student has the opportunity to choose the language of studies: English, Russian or French. At universities with a 100-year history – members of RACUS group, lectures and practical courses are conducted by highly qualified professors, that undoubtedly indicates the high quality of training for bachelors, masters and residents. Educational workshops with Sierra Leonean youth were held in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Such meetings in schools allow to establish direct contact with students and their parents, who receive answers to all their questions. For example, many of those present were interested in the very process of submitting documents, enrolling in a university, living in a student hostel and opportunities for further employment. Mrs Sesay dispelled all doubts of the workshop participants, explaining that the Russian diploma is recognized both in their homeland and in any other country in the world. She also noted that Russia is a multinational country and there is no need to worry about adapting to a new culture. More than 353,000 foreign students from 200 countries of the world are currently studying at Russian state universities. Future students were pleased with the opportunity to undergo internships in Russian companies, foreign partner universities, and especially the availability of the Bright Future scholarship, which is annually allocated to talented applicants by RACUS organization. At the end of the workshop, all participants of the seminar received brochures and flyers with key information about obtaining higher education in Russia. At the end of the seminar, many participants managed to schedule for individual consultations in the representative office of the group of Russian state universities RACUS in Sierra Leone. Start your success story - study in Russia!