Tambov State University received a grant for Russian language and culture promotion abroad

#Tambov #congratulation

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation awarded a grant to Tambov State University named after Gavriil Derzhavin. It will enable projects to popularize Russian language and culture in foreign countries. This is one of Russia's priority goals.
picture 1 Tambov State University received a grant for Russian language and culture promotion abroad
Currently, the program "Russian Language: Erasing Borders" is carried out at Tambov State University as part of the state program called "Educational Development". This project stimulates the interest of foreign youth, motivating them to learn Russian and discover national culture through artistic and intellectual competitions. It should be noted that several universities and colleges of Europe, Asia and Africa will take part in this project. This will allow Tambov State University to strengthen relationship with its partners in different countries.

picture 2 Tambov State University received a grant for Russian language and culture promotion abroad
Tambov State University is an old and renowned institution with over 100 years of history and it is a part of group of Russian state universities RACUS. This university is one of the most popular among young people from all over the world. Annually thousands of students from over 60 countries enroll in this university. After their graduation they obtain a worldwide recognized diploma and are perfectly prepared to start their professional careers. If you want to become one of these students, apply on our website: www.edurussia.ru and get your place at Tambov State University!


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