Specialized educational exhibitions “Study in Russia – 2016” held by RACUS organization together with Russian center of science and culture in Cairo and Alexandria (Egypt)


On July 23 and 24, 2016 RACUS organization delegation together with RACUS representative office in Egypt and Russian center of science and culture in Cairo and Alexandria held specialized educational exhibitions “Study in Russia – 2016” in Cairo and Alexandria within the framework of exhibition educational tour in Egypt. Educational exhibitions were timed to coincide with the awarding of school certificates in the country. Thus Egyptian applicants who visited these events were able to get all the necessary information about prestigious Russian State Universities, members of the RACUS group, and about more than 500 specialties in all areas of science, taught in Russian, English and French languages. Specialized educational exhibition “Study in Russia – 2016” in Cairo started on July 23, 2016 with the welcome speech of Denis Bronnikov, main specialist – expert of ROSSOTRUDNICHESTVO representative office in Egypt. Mr. Bronnikov congratulated school leavers with the award of certificates and encouraged visitors to choose Russian universities to obtain higher education. Visitors saw a vivid presentation and video about Russia, about group of Russian State Universities – RACUS, as well as about studies and life of foreign students who have already chosen Russia for their higher education. On July 24, 2016 educational exhibition “Study in Russia – 2016” was held in Russian center of science and culture in Alexandria and it started with the welcome speech of Alexander Antonov, director of Russian center of science and culture. Visitors of the exhibition were very happy that they were able to ask the representatives of RACUS organization delegation from St. Petersburg all their questions. All the visitors of educational exhibitions received colorful advertising and informational brochures and souvenirs. The following Russian State Universities, members of the RACUS group, have gained the greatest interest among the visitors of educational exhibitions: Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University, Tambov State University named after Derzhavin, Federal University of North Caucasus, Astrakhan State Medical University, Pyatigorsk Medical Pharmaceutical Institute, Nizhny Novgorod State University. The success of specialized educational exhibitions "Study in Russia – 2016" in Cairo and Alexandria have shown high interest of the Egyptian youth in obtaining prestigious higher education in Russia this shall help to reduce the deficit of highly qualified personnel in the labor market of Egypt in future.

picture 1 Specialized educational exhibitions “Study in Russia – 2016” held by RACUS organization together with Russian center of science and culture in Cairo and Alexandria (Egypt)
picture 2 Specialized educational exhibitions “Study in Russia – 2016” held by RACUS organization together with Russian center of science and culture in Cairo and Alexandria (Egypt)
picture 3 Specialized educational exhibitions “Study in Russia – 2016” held by RACUS organization together with Russian center of science and culture in Cairo and Alexandria (Egypt)


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