

This weekend Casablanca (Kingdom of Morocco) was illuminated by the smiles of thousands of young and ambitious schoolers who gathered in Casablanca and nearby cities for a grand educational exhibition that took place from 24 to 27 March 2022.

The stand of the group of Russian state universities "RACUS" was recognized as a diamond of the exhibition and attracted the attention of each and every visitor.
The stand of the group of Russian state universities "RACUS" was recognized as a diamond of the exhibition and attracted the attention of each and every visitor.

 It was impossible to miss the bright and positive design of the stand, colourful brochures, souvenirs, kindness and professionalism of the staff, and of course, the unique opportunities for studying in the TOP 20 state universities of Russia which form part of the RACUS group. The excitement did not cease till the last hour of the event: we were very happy to see every potential applicant. It is especially pleasant that parents whose children are already studying at universities in Russia through RACUS organization also came to the exhibition.

On this occasion, RACUS organization expresses its sincere gratitude for the opportunity to personally meet each parent of our students and for their kind words. For us, the trust of parents is the main value. This truly means a lot: in 2021/2022 academic year, more than 7,500 students from 82 countries of the world were already studying at Russian universities.
On this occasion, RACUS organization expresses its sincere gratitude for the opportunity to personally meet each parent of our students and for their kind words. For us, the trust of parents is the main value. This truly means a lot: in 2021/2022 academic year, more than 7,500 students from 82 countries of the world were already studying at Russian universities.

It's time to sum up: more than 10,000 applicants and their parents got complete and detailed information about the variety of study opportunities in Russia and received guidance in choosing specialties and universities for higher education in Russia. We also gave a live interview on the most popular radio among the youth of Morocco - HIT RADIO so that even those who could not personally attend the exhibition could hear about us. In the interview, foreign student services manager of RACUS Organization, Sofya Degtereva gave detailed responses in French to all the questions of the presenter and invited the youth of Morocco to study at universities in Russia.

It should be noted that the applicants were particularly interested in training in the field of Medicine, Pharmacy, Civil Engineering, Architecture, Information Technology, Mechanics, Maritime Transport, etc. The most popular Russian universities were those which were already well-known among Moroccan youth: Tambov State University, Saratov State Medical University, Astrakhan State Medical University, South Russian State Polytechnic University, Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, North Caucasus Federal University and others.
It should be noted that the applicants were particularly interested in training in the field of Medicine, Pharmacy, Civil Engineering, Architecture, Information Technology, Mechanics, Maritime Transport, etc. The most popular Russian universities were those which were already well-known among Moroccan youth: Tambov State University, Saratov State Medical University, Astrakhan State Medical University, South Russian State Polytechnic University, Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, North Caucasus Federal University and others.

We thank every one of you for your participation and hope to see you soon! Enjoy the photos, contact us if you have any questions, and if you have already made a choice in favor of studying in Russia, leave a request on the website WWW.EDURUSSIA.RU

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