On the 16th of March 2021 RACUS Organization has presented Russian higher education on the online international educational exhibition Central American Exhibition Tour that was organized for high school and college students from countries of Central America: El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Costa Rica and Nicaragua.
Representatives of universities in USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand Spain and Mexico have taken part in the exhibition. RACUS Organization was the only representative of Russian higher education on the meeting. Most visitors were interested in medical and engineering educational programs, therefore, they were glad to find out that Russian state universities offer a lot of seats for the above mentioned programs, moreover, about 100 programs are offered in English language.
The visitors of RACUS organization’s stand found out that they can study at one of the 20 leading universities of RACUS group in English, Russian and French languages. If a student chooses a program in Russian, they need to study at foundation course first and learn the basics of Russian, chemistry, biology, mathematics and other core subjects for the chosen program. The candidates were happy to find out that the application process to RACUS universities is simple and that the students will be guided all the way from initial consultations to graduation, which is very important for their parents.
The participants of the exhibition also received information that every student who study at one of the RACUS universities gets a place at a student’s hostel with all the necessary facilities.
Everyone had an opportunity to check out and keep electronic brochures about Russian higher education.