RACUS organization educational exhibition ‘Study in Russia – 2015’ in Luanda, Republic of Angola


On 11th of July, 2015 in the city of Luanda (Republic of Angola) took place an educational exhibition 'Study in Russia – 2015'. It was organized at support of the Embassy of Russian Federation in Angola. The exhibition was held at the Mediateca of Luanda, which is situated in the very centre of the city. More than 15 leading Russian state universities of the 'RACUS' group from 9 cities of Russia were presented to the Angola young people – final-year students of schools and universities.
The educational exhibition was widely announced in the biggest Angola newspaper 'Jornal de Angola' as well as in social networks. The alumni of the Soviet/Russian universities, the representatives of the Embassy of Russia as well as the parents of the recent Russian universities students, were invited to the exhibition. Ms. Valentina Zrazhevskaya, the representative of the Embassy of Russia, was a special guest.

The exhibition was opened with a presentation of the higher education in Russia by Ms. Zrazhevskaya. Then, it was presented the Russian universities of the group 'RACUS', the enrollment requirements for the 215/2016 academic year, university residences accommodation conditions and so on.
A big number of Angolan young people, who were interested in getting the prestigious Russian higher education in the universities of Russia, visited the exhibition. The public in the overcrowded hall listened attentively the speakers. After the presentation part the individual consultations with the exhibition organizers took place in order the prospective students could make their questions and enrollment applications to study in Russian universities. Among the most popular specialties with Angolan young people who visited the exhibition were Economics, Management, Oil & Gas, Civil Engineering and various medical specialties such as General Medicine and Pharmacy. It's worth mentioning that many of the 'RACUS' group universities offer all of these specialties in the English medium as well as the Russian medium. Such universities as Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy, Tambov State University, Novgorod State University, Pyatigorsk Medical Pharmaceutical Institute and others were especially popular with the visitors.

The number of Angolan students who would like to get a degree in Oil & Gas, Mining and other industries grows annually due to the rich fossil fuels deposits and rapid industrial development in Angola. Such universities as North Caucasus Federal University, Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy, Tambov State University, Saratov State Medical University, Novgorod State University, Pyatigorsk Medical Pharmaceutical Institute and others were especially popular with the exhibition visitors. It is worth to mention that a lot of universities from the 'RACUS' group have courses with English medium. Thanks to this fact even more young people from Angola have got an opportunity to study in Russia leaving out the studies at the Foundation course.
During the exhibition the 'RACUS' organization team members provided to the visitor the complete information about the Russian universities enrollment regulations, study and university residence accommodation conditions, distributed colourful advertising brochures which contain the information about the education in Russia as well as another souvenirs with the symbolics of 'RACUS' organization and 'Study in Russia'.

RACUS educational exhibition in Luanda undoubtedly furthered the cause of Russian higher education in Angola and helped many of the school graduates to learn more about the process of application to Russian state universities. The visitors noted that the exhibition was very useful and informative and thus their desire to come to Russia to obtain higher education has only solidified. It was recommended to all of the visitors to proceed to the office in Luanda after the exhibition in order to start their admission to Russian state universities for 2015/2016 academic year.


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