RACUS organization and the Russian Embassy in Botswana held an educational exhibition “Study in Russia - 2019” in Gaborone (Botswana)

On February 9, RACUS organization and the Russian Embassy in Botswana held an educational exhibition “Study in Russia - 2019” in the capital of the country Gaborone. The exhibition was held in the conference hall of the Gaborone’s most famous hotel. From early morning school graduates and their parents gathered there to get acquainted with Russian state universities and to learn more about study programs. In order to attract young people from Gaborone and the region, RACUS organization did an extensive preparatory work: arranged school workshops, printed and distributed flyers, posted information banners on school informational desks, published advertising modules in leading newspapers of the country. All this attracted a large number of visitors to the exhibition, which has become the most visited in recent years.
picture 1 RACUS organization and the Russian Embassy in Botswana held an educational exhibition “Study in Russia - 2019” in Gaborone (Botswana)
At the invitation of RACUS organization Evgeny Migunov, head of the Consulate of the Russian Embassy in Botswana, visited the exhibition. He noted that RACUS organization plays an important role in popularizing Russian higher education in Botswana, and training of highly qualified personnel for the country's market. Evgeny Migunov mentioned the rules for issuing study visas and necessary documents by the Embassy, and answered other questions.
picture 2 RACUS organization and the Russian Embassy in Botswana held an educational exhibition “Study in Russia - 2019” in Gaborone (Botswana)
Since RACUS organization opened a representative office in Botswana (2000), more than 500 students from Botswana have already graduated from Russian State universities of RACUS group. They all now successfully work in Botswana and other countries in southern Africa. For students from Botswana it is also important that many popular programs at Russian State universities of RACUS group are also available in English. It heightens interest in studying in Russian universities.

picture 3 RACUS organization and the Russian Embassy in Botswana held an educational exhibition “Study in Russia - 2019” in Gaborone (Botswana)
RACUS organization undertakes a serious work with young people in the schools of the country in order to make the admission process more comfortable. Traditionally medical, engineering and architectural specialties are in the high demand in Botswana. Education in these specialties gives students excellent opportunities for further employment.
picture 4 RACUS organization and the Russian Embassy in Botswana held an educational exhibition “Study in Russia - 2019” in Gaborone (Botswana)
All visitors received brochures with detailed information about 20 universities of RACUS group and the proposed specialties, as well as colorful and useful souvenirs with the “Study in Russia” logo. Right after the exhibition many interested school graduates and their parents went to the representative office of RACUS organization in Botswana for further consultation and admission procedure to Russian state universities of RACUS group.

picture 5 RACUS organization and the Russian Embassy in Botswana held an educational exhibition “Study in Russia - 2019” in Gaborone (Botswana)
picture 6 RACUS organization and the Russian Embassy in Botswana held an educational exhibition “Study in Russia - 2019” in Gaborone (Botswana)

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