President of Russia Vladimir Putin visited Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University

The history of Russia as a great state begins in Veliky Novgorod, the place where Rus' was created, the largest state in Europe at that time, and where Prince Yaroslav the Wise built the first school back in the XI century. Here, as part of the visit on the occasion of the celebration of the 1160th anniversary of Russian statehood in Veliky Novgorod, Russian president Vladimir Putin met with the heads of educational institutions of the new type on September 21, 2022, including the rector of Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University Yuri Borovikov. 

Advanced engineering schools prepare promising personnel for the industry, and the representatives of the industry also participate in the training process. As mentioned at the meeting, "an engineer is a way of thinking", therefore, training in advanced engineering schools is aimed at practical experiments. To do this, these schools will provide talented students with the possibility to do internships at leading enterprises.

"Everything produced in Russia should be based on domestic developments. This is mainly an intellectual base and practical developments", the head of the state said at the meeting of advanced technical schools in Veliky Novgorod, focusing on the importance of technology development.

This year, Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University became one of the 30 Russian universities on the basis of which advanced engineering schools were created to ensure Russia's sovereignty in the field of automation systems infrastructure and management of high-tech industries. The University is implementing projects to create the Novgorod Technical School which will train personnel for high-tech enterprises. It is planned that by 2030, 2,500 future engineers will have graduated the school.

The modern building of the Novgorod School operating in Yaroslav the Wise University was built in record time: back in 2019, there was just a foundation pit on the site. Soon there will be a university campus for the students and newly-arrived professors.

During the university tour, the head of state got to see some developments of domestic enterprises, where young specialists from advanced engineering schools also work. Moreover, many projects that the schools are developing now, currently do not exist in the world at all. Thus, the Nizhny Novgorod School is developing hydrogen-producing reactors that will be put into operation by 2030. So, the school trains engineers with skills that will be in demand in the future. Graduates of advanced engineering schools are the most highly qualified engineering personnel who will help to achieve the technological independence of the country.

The visit of the President of the Russian Federation is a confirmation of the high status of Novgorod State University. NovSU is a participant of Russia's largest state program "Priority - 2030" which aims to create progressive technologies and developments. It is also among the best universities in Russia. This makes NovSU a popular and attractive option for the applicants from all over the world. There are more than 12,000 students in the university who are trained in 200 programs 2,000 of them are foreign students from 50 countries. 

If you want to get a more detailed information about NovSU, we invite you to visit our website WWW.EDURUSSIA.RU and watch videos on the YouTube channel "RACUS - STUDY IN RUSSIA".

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