From September, 29 to October, 1 2016 the group of Russian state universities RACUS took part in two important education fairs held in Rabat and Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco.
Moroccan students and university graduates who wish to continue their postgraduate studies abroad (on masters, residency and other postgraduate programs) were the main visitors of the fairs.
Fairs united in their areas Morocco's largest universities as well as the leading universities of many other countries, including Russia. Russian higher education was presented by RACUS group of Russian state universities which aroused great interest among the visitors. Every year more and more Moroccan students go to study to Russia master's programs, as well as residency and others postgraduate programs. They understand that the right choice of the country is a half of future success.
For Moroccan youth postgraduate studies in Russia are very attractive, because Russia is famous for its centuries-old traditions and fundamental nature of the national education system, a huge choice of educational programs and the opportunity to study in English and French languages, the best value for money, rich culture, comfort, style and safety residence. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Russia is the most educated country in the world, overtaking on this indicator Canada, Japan and the United States.
Employees of RACUS organization helped Moroccan applicants wishing to expand the scope of its competence in numerous postgraduate programs to choose one of Russian universities. During the fairs the candidates received professional advice on career development from the representatives of the Moroccan office of RACUS group of Russian state universities. All guests of the stand were given information materials about studying in Russia and the procedure for filing applications for studies. Employees of RACUS organization help candidates to choose a university and a program suitable especially for them. Many technical and economic disciplines (for example, Information Technology, Neurobiology, Mechanical Engineering, Economics, International Relations, International Marketing and Management, Law) are available in English and French medium of instruction.
Moroccan applicants know very well that postgraduate studies in one of the Russian state universities of RACUS Group are not only amelioration of their knowledge, but also they become in the long term a highly paid professionals and receive the prestigious Russian diploma recognized worldwide.
The greatest interest Moroccan applicants shown to programs of postgraduate education of Nizhny Novgorod State University, Peter the Great Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Saratov State Agrarian University, Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering and Federal University of North Caucasus.
To apply and for further consultations all interested candidates and their parents are invited to the office of RACUS group of Russian state universities in Rabat.