Participation of RACUS organization in the International Education Fair in the cities of Kumasi and Koforidua, Republic of Ghana

On February, 09-18, 2017 RACUS organization participated in two international education fairs in the Republic of Ghana which took place at Anglican Senior High School in Kumasi and at Ghana Higher Secondary School in Koforidua. Thanks to the help of the Ministry of education which provided the participants with special buses to get to the schools where the educational fairs were held more than 2000 candidates from Kumasi, Koforidua and its suburbs could visit these popular international education fairs. RACUS organization was the only one who presented Russian higher education during the fairs and it’s worth mentioning that acquaintance with Russia and its education and learning possibilities happened to be in full house and in warm and friendly ambience of face-to-face contact and answering the questions. Each guest of RACUS stand “Study in Russia” got souvenirs, information brochures and flyers about Russian higher education. RACUS organization presented 20 Russian state universities including in RACUS group and more than 500 medical, engineering, economic and humanities specialties. During international education fairs RACUS managers in the representative office in Ghana told about rules of admission, necessary documents and studies at Russian universities and shared the stories about wonderful and full of bright events student life. To get additional consultations about studies at Russian state universities of RACUS group and to apply for studies all graduates and their parents are welcome to RACUS official representative office in Ghana.

picture 1 Participation of RACUS organization in the International Education Fair in the cities of Kumasi and Koforidua, Republic of Ghana
picture 2 Participation of RACUS organization in the International Education Fair in the cities of Kumasi and Koforidua, Republic of Ghana
picture 3 Participation of RACUS organization in the International Education Fair in the cities of Kumasi and Koforidua, Republic of Ghana

picture 4 Participation of RACUS organization in the International Education Fair in the cities of Kumasi and Koforidua, Republic of Ghana
picture 5 Participation of RACUS organization in the International Education Fair in the cities of Kumasi and Koforidua, Republic of Ghana
picture 6 Participation of RACUS organization in the International Education Fair in the cities of Kumasi and Koforidua, Republic of Ghana

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