From 2nd till 10th March 2017 RACUS organization participated in two international education exhibitions in the Republic of Ghana which took place at Ghana Senior High School (March, 2nd-4th) in Cape Coast and at St. Augustine's Сollege Senior High School (March, 8th-10th) in Accra, the capital of Ghana. RACUS organization was the only one who represented Russian higher education during the expos in general, particularly 20 Russian state universities of RACUS group and over 500 medical, engineering, economic specialties and humanities offering education not only in Russian, but also in English and French mediums. Hundreds of candidates could visit these popular international education expos. The head of RACUS representative office in Ghana Mrs. Maria Munkaila in a very warm and friendly ambience represented individually new educational advantages in such a huge country like Russia and answered all questions about rules of admission, necessary documents and studies at Russian universities and shared the stories about wonderful student life that is full of bright events. Each guest of RACUS stand got information brochures and flyers about Russian higher education. To get additional consultations about studies at Russian state universities of RACUS group and to apply for studies in 2017/2018 academic year all graduates and their parents are welcome to RACUS official representative office in Ghana.