Participation of RACUS organization in the educational fair “Education in Russia” in Dar es Salam, Tanzania

On the 9th of November 2020, RACUS organization took part in the educational exhibition that was held in Tanzania. It was organized by the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Tanzania.
picture 1 Participation of RACUS organization in the educational fair “Education in Russia” in Dar es Salam, Tanzania
The employees of the Russian Center for Science and Culture organized an online platform for the exhibition. RACUS organization was invited to take part and to give a presentation about Russian education and its advantages. The visitors learned that RACUS group involves 20 leading Russian State Universities that offer education in English, Russian and French mediums. Besides, the prospective students and their parents found out that every foreign student is guided by his personal manager during the whole period of studies. The responsible managers provide the students with the help and support from the moment when they choose a university and prepare the documents to submit till the graduation.

picture 2 Participation of RACUS organization in the educational fair “Education in Russia” in Dar es Salam, Tanzania
Apart from that the prospective students and their parents had a great chance to visit personally the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Tanzania and get a professional consultation about Russian higher education from the local representative of RACUS organization.

All participants of the exhibition explained the gratitude to RACUS organization for the information about Russian higher education.

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