Participation of RACUS organization in international educational fair in Mumbai

On 11th and 12th of May 2018, RACUS organization took part in international educational fair, which was held in Mumbai, the biggest city in India.

Been working in India since 1995, RACUS organization has credibility of Indian candidates and their parents. Once again the stall of RACUS attracted a great number of visitors who were sug-gested to choose a program at one of 20 Russian universities of RACUS group with over 500 engineering, humanities, economic and medical programs. Indian youth demonstrated outstanding interest in such Russian universities offering studies in English language as Astrakhan State Medical University, Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy, Tambov State University, Moscow Aviation Institute, Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University, Federal University of North Caucasus, Nizhny Novgorod State University and many others. Russia is well known abroad as a center of engineering studies, that’s why Indian visitors were interested in engineering programs, especially is studying aviation which was represented at the RACUS stall by Moscow Aviation Institute.

During two days of fair, Indian candidates and their parents had a good opportunity to find out more about studies in Russian state universities of RACUS group, accommodation in the student hostel, admission process and everyday life in Russia. All visitors of RACUS stall received colorful souvenirs and information brochures about higher education in Russia. For further consultations and applications to the Russian state universities, all candidates were invited to RACUS representative office in India.

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