Participation of RACUS organization in international educational exhibition in India, Delhi

On April 29, 2018, RACUS organization took part in one of the largest international education-al exhibitions in India, which was held in the Indian capital - Delhi. The exhibition was dedicated to higher education in Indian universities as well as in universities all over the world. Being well or-ganized and largely covered by the local media, this educational fair attracted numerous school leavers along with their parents.
picture 1 Participation of RACUS organization in international educational exhibition in India, Delhi
Among over 500 specialties offered by Group of Russian state universities RACUS, the visitors were especially interested in medicine and engineering programs. There were represented 20 Russian state universities of RACUS group providing diplomas recognized in India.
picture 2 Participation of RACUS organization in international educational exhibition in India, Delhi
Indian school leavers are famous for their scrupulous approach to selection of higher education and very often they come to the exhibition along with the whole family, so that the family could take a common decision about further studies of the child. All visitors of stall of Group of Russian state universities had an opportunity to get comprehensive replies to their questions about studies and life in Russia (programs, fees, accommodation, food and security, employment opportunities, admission process and so on). RACUS delegates gave close attention to each visitor and responded to all questions of school leavers and their parents. Parents were happy to find out that RACUS or-ganization guides international students from the first counseling till the obtaining of diplo-ma. RACUS organization has been supporting international students since 1991 and gained an ex-cellent reputation among students and their parents.
picture 3 Participation of RACUS organization in international educational exhibition in India, Delhi
All visitors of the exhibition received souvenirs and information brochures about higher educa-tion in Russia and were invited to an individual counseling in RACUS representative office in India to start their admission in Russian state universities of RACUS group for 2018/2019 academic year.

picture 4 Participation of RACUS organization in international educational exhibition in India, Delhi
picture 5 Participation of RACUS organization in international educational exhibition in India, Delhi

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