Participation of RACUS organization in Career Expo International Educational Exhibition in Witbank (South Africa)


On July 28 and 29, 2016 RACUS organization took part in Career Expo International Educational Exhibition that was successfully held in Witbank (South Africa). Students from 22 schools of Mpumalanga province, who attended educational exhibition with the aim to get acquainted with the prospects of training at the best universities of the world, were sincerely glad to talk personally to the delegation that represented Russian stand. Visitors of the RACUS stand learned about the benefits of higher education in Russia, application procedure for training, as well as the conditions of studies and life in students’ hostels. Schoolchildren of South Africa were very interested in the opportunity to study at prestigious universities of Russia popular among South African citizens, many of whom have already arrived in Russia and are successfully studying there. These are such universities as Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University, Nizhny Novgorod State University named after Lobachevski, Tambov State University, Federal University of North Caucasus, Astrakhan State Medical University, Saratov State Medical University, Saratov State Agrarian University, as well as North-Caucasian State University for Mining and Metallurgy that became the member of the RACUS group in 2015 and others, which offer training on more than 500 medical, engineering, economic, and humanitarian specialties. South African candidates were pleased by the fact that such specialties popular among South African youth as Medicine, Dentistry, Oil and Gas Business, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, International Relations, Economy, Management, Information technology, Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine are taught in English. Career Expo Educational Exhibition in Witbank helped visitors of RACUS organization stand to choose their future profession and the country of education, and also motivated them to apply for studies in Russia in order to become highly qualified specialists and to contribute to the development of their country. All the applicants who attended Career Expo Educational Exhibition have received advertising and information leaflets and souvenirs, as well as were invited to the RACUS representative office in South Africa to get individual consultations and to apply to study at Russian State Universities. There is no doubt that active position of RACUS organization on the market of educational services of South Africa helps to increase interest among the youth of this country to study in the leading universities of Russia, members of the RACUS group, as well as contributes to the development of mutually beneficial cooperation between the countries as a whole.

picture 1 Participation of RACUS organization in Career Expo International Educational Exhibition in Witbank (South Africa)
picture 2 Participation of RACUS organization in Career Expo International Educational Exhibition in Witbank (South Africa)
picture 3 Participation of RACUS organization in Career Expo International Educational Exhibition in Witbank (South Africa)

picture 4 Participation of RACUS organization in Career Expo International Educational Exhibition in Witbank (South Africa)
picture 5 Participation of RACUS organization in Career Expo International Educational Exhibition in Witbank (South Africa)
picture 6 Participation of RACUS organization in Career Expo International Educational Exhibition in Witbank (South Africa)


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