Participation of RACUS organization in Career Expo international educational exhibition in Johannesburg (South Africa)

On August 11 and 12, 2016 RACUS organization has participated in Career Expo international educational exhibition, which was successfully held in Johannesburg (South Africa). The success of Career Expo the educational exhibition was due to the fact that it was visited by a large number of high school students of educational institutions of the province who were interested in obtaining high-quality higher education in order to have competitive knowledge and to be in demand in the South African labor market. Visitors of the RACUS stand have learnt about broad prospects for higher education in 20 prestigious higher educational institutions of Russia, members of the RACUS group, that are in demand on the world market of educational services. Employees of RACUS organization in South Africa were delighted to present to all visitors more information about the benefits of higher education in Russia, the procedure for applying, the list of documents required to be admitted to the universities, conditions of studying and living in students’ hostels, etc. Applicants were interested in studying in such prestigious universities in Russia, members of the RACUS group, as Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University, Nizhny Novgorod State University, Tambov State University, North-Caucasian Federal University, Astrakhan State Medical University, Saratov State Medical University, and many others, offering training on more than 500 medical, engineering, economic and humanitarian specialties. The fact that training on many popular among South African youth programs, such as "General Medicine", "Oil and Gas Engineering", "Civil Engineering", "Mechanical Engineering", "International Relations", "Economy", "Management", "Information Technology" "Agriculture", "Veterinary Medicine" is possible not only in Russian but also in English, became an important argument for applicants to show increased interest in studying in Russian universities. Many students from South Africa have been successfully studying at Russian State Universities, members of the RACUS group, and are confident in their successful future, where they will be highly qualified and will contribute to the development of their country. Feedbacks from current students and their parents contribute directly to the increase of interest to choose Russia as the country to continue education and to obtain high-quality knowledge and skills. Each visitor of Career Expo exhibition received not only the necessary information about study opportunities in Russia, but also colorful information booklets and souvenirs with the logo of RACUS organization and "Study in Russia". All the applicants who attended Career Expo educational exhibition are invited to the RACUS representative office in South Africa to get individual consultations and apply to study in Russian universities, members of the RACUS group. Application period for 2016/2017 academic year is still open and will last until October 1, 2016.

picture 1 Participation of RACUS organization in Career Expo international educational exhibition in Johannesburg (South Africa)
picture 2 Participation of RACUS organization in Career Expo international educational exhibition in Johannesburg (South Africa)
picture 3 Participation of RACUS organization in Career Expo international educational exhibition in Johannesburg (South Africa)

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