Our PhD student from Syria has developed a device for people with disabilities

Many students and graduates of Russian state universities - members of RACUS group have contributed to the development of world science. Somar Berro came to Russia from Syria to study in Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. Here he is engaged in the creation of a special manipulative adaptive system that should help people with disabilities.

picture 1 Our PhD student from Syria has developed a device for people with disabilities
Now he is developing a new manipulative rehabilitation system. In the future, this system will help people who have lost their upper limbs to perform work related to fine motor skills.

This device can be either integrated into a special prosthesis or installed in an existing artificial limb. It consists of a micromanipulator and an adaptive supporting element. The micromanipulator is controlled by sensors that measure the pressure of the stump on the stump sleeve of the prosthesis. The stump is a part of the limb that remains after amputation. And the stump sleeve, or stump receiver, is a part of the prosthesis that connects it with the limb. A person controls the micromanipulator by pressing on the stump receiver. Adaptive support helps to fix the prosthesis in the position convenient for the person. For example, to install it on a table or any other surface.

To date, Somar's scientific group led by the supervising professor Andrey Timofeev, has already developed the prosthesis design with an integrated micromanipulator and adaptive support. A patent was also obtained for a prosthetic hand model. In the nearest future, they plan to obtain even more similar patents.

After defending his thesis and receiving the degree, Somar plans to return home, to Syria, to contribute to the development of the robotics sector there. His scientific research and the results obtained will significantly help Syrian citizens who had suffered injuries during the war. RACUS organization is proud of its graduates and wholeheartedly wishes Somar a successful implementation of his project.

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