Meeting of the Director General of the RACUS organization with the Minister Counselor ofthe Russian Embassy in South Africa


On February 27, 2025, a meeting was held between the Director General of the RACUSorganization A. Nutsalov and the Minister Counselor of the Embassy of the Russian Federation inthe Republic of South Africa V. Yakovlev.

picture 1 Meeting of the Director General of the RACUS organization with the Minister Counselor ofthe Russian Embassy in South Africa 

During the dialogue, important issues regarding the expansion of educational cooperation and theincrease in the number of applicants from South Africa entering Russian state universities of theRACUS group were discussed.

picture 2 Meeting of the Director General of the RACUS organization with the Minister Counselor ofthe Russian Embassy in South Africa 

Particular attention was paid to the structure of education in the country and the medical andengineering educational programs in demand on the labor market. A. Nutsalov informed theparticipants of the meeting about preparations for participation in the international educationalexhibition, which will be held on March 1 in Johannesburg. At this exhibition, the RACUSorganization, which is the only participant from the Russian side, will present the stand Study inRussia - 2025. This exhibition will provide future students and their parents with a unique opportunity to learnmore about higher education at Russian universities of the RACUS group.

The Director General also informed the participants of the meeting about the resumption of activeadvertising and information activities of the RACUS organization aimed at popularizing andpromoting Russian higher education among the youth of South Africa.

In an atmosphere of friendship and mutual understanding, the parties confirmed their interest indeveloping educational cooperation and expressed confidence in the successful implementation ofthe plans. The RACUS organization expresses its sincere gratitude to the Russian Embassy inSouth Africa for the warm welcome, negotiations and support for the activities of the RACUSorganization in South Africa.


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