International education exhibitions in the cities of Oujda, Tangier and Errachidia: the educational marathon continues in the Kingdom of Morocco

On February 10-11, 2023, group of Russian state universities RACUS together with ARESMA Agency (the general representative office of RACUS organization in Morocco) took part in another series of international education exhibitions in the Kingdom of Morocco. Once again, representatives of the organization talked live with their audience: among the guests there were hundreds of families from sunny Morocco, leading industry experts and inquisitive mass media. Inspiration, the joy of learning and the excitement of the unknown were the keynote of the past events. Of course, every guest was interested in our favorite age-old&ampnbsp professional question: WHERE TO STUDY?
On February 10-11, 2023, group of Russian state universities RACUS together with ARESMA Agency (the general representative office of RACUS organization in Morocco) took part in another series of international education exhibitions in the Kingdom of Morocco. Once again, representatives of the organization talked live with their audience: among the guests there were hundreds of families from sunny Morocco, leading industry experts and inquisitive mass media. Inspiration, the joy of learning and the excitement of the unknown were the keynote of the past events. Of course, every guest was interested in our favorite age-old&nbsp professional question: WHERE TO STUDY?
We helped everyone who had to make a choice and wanted to know the full range of opportunities that open up to the holder of Russian diploma of higher education. The brand "Study in Russia" has long been a sign of quality for the intellectual elite and progressive youth of Morocco. For more than 25 years, RACUS organization has been a part of the educational market of Morocco. Every year the number of Moroccan students in Russian state universities is increasing.
We helped everyone who had to make a choice and wanted to know the full range of opportunities that open up to the holder of Russian diploma of higher education. The brand "Study in Russia" has long been a sign of quality for the intellectual elite and progressive youth of Morocco. For more than 25 years, RACUS organization has been a part of the educational market of Morocco. Every year the number of Moroccan students in Russian state universities is increasing.
WHERE WERE THE EXHIBITIONS HELD? The hospitable Oujda met the guests of the exhibition in the luxurious hall Al Maghreb Arabi. Tangier invited everyone to the Barcelo Hotel, and Errachidia organized an exhibition in the stylish Palestine Hall. And again, there was an unprecedented interest in the stand of Russian higher education, represented by RACUS organization and ARESMA Agency. The exhibition was attended by Mouaad Jamai, Wali of the Oriental region and Governor of Oujda-Angad Prefecture who had a meeting with Lev Korneev, director of the representative office ARESMA - RACUS in Morocco. World recognition and a leading position in the ranking of international education have become an additional impetus to the interest among the Moroccan youth. What did they learn?
WHERE WERE THE EXHIBITIONS HELD? The hospitable Oujda met the guests of the exhibition in the luxurious hall Al Maghreb Arabi. Tangier invited everyone to the Barcelo Hotel, and Errachidia organized an exhibition in the stylish Palestine Hall. And again, there was an unprecedented interest in the stand of Russian higher education, represented by RACUS organization and ARESMA Agency. The exhibition was attended by Mouaad Jamai, Wali of the Oriental region and Governor of Oujda-Angad Prefecture who had a meeting with Lev Korneev, director of the representative office ARESMA - RACUS in Morocco. World recognition and a leading position in the ranking of international education have become an additional impetus to the interest among the Moroccan youth. What did they learn?
TOP-20 Russian universities, 1200 popular programs ("General Medicine", "Dentistry", "Pharmacy", "Veterinary Medicine", "Computer Science", "Architecture", "Navigation" and others), an opportunity to study in French, Russian and English, 100% guaranteed admission, free educational literature, support and assistance in adaptation, internships in the best companies and an internationally recognized diploma are only a small part of the advantages for applicants from Morocco who have chosen Russia as their study destination.
TOP-20 Russian universities, 1200 popular programs ("General Medicine", "Dentistry", "Pharmacy", "Veterinary Medicine", "Computer Science", "Architecture", "Navigation" and others), an opportunity to study in French, Russian and English, 100% guaranteed admission, free educational literature, support and assistance in adaptation, internships in the best companies and an internationally recognized diploma are only a small part of the advantages for applicants from Morocco who have chosen Russia as their study destination.


Today, more than 400,000 people are studying in Russian universities, 3,000 of whom are citizens of Morocco. To make it easier for the guests of our stand to decide on the country of study, we first introduce them to the main achievements and world rankings in which Russia has gained a foothold in the international arena:

- 1st place in the world in terms of literacy (99.9%)

-1st place by the number of people with higher education among the adult population

- TOP 3 in terms of the number of international students

- TOP 4 in foreign exchange reserves

- 1st place in Europe by the number of Internet users

- 6th place in the world (out of 254 countries) in terms of availability of home and mobile Internet. 


Everyone who once made a fateful decision to study abroad has never regretted it – this is an enchanting life experience that radically changes a person. This pressure of new experience away from home can truly work wonders: the process is similar to how coal becomes a diamond in extreme conditions.
Everyone who once made a fateful decision to study abroad has never regretted it – this is an enchanting life experience that radically changes a person. This pressure of new experience away from home can truly work wonders: the process is similar to how coal becomes a diamond in extreme conditions.
Studying in Russia is the choice of the bravest and most talented. Do not miss the opportunity to get a higher education in a country that is known all over the world for the impeccable training of professional personnel in demand from top employers.
Studying in Russia is the choice of the bravest and most talented. Do not miss the opportunity to get a higher education in a country that is known all over the world for the impeccable training of professional personnel in demand from top employers.
ADMISSION IS OPEN! You can apply for studies on the website WWW.EDURUSSIA.RU Watch our short videos on the YouTube channel "RACUS RUSSIA" and see how great it is to study in Russia!
ADMISSION IS OPEN! You can apply for studies on the website WWW.EDURUSSIA.RU Watch our short videos on the YouTube channel "RACUS RUSSIA" and see how great it is to study in Russia!

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