In the period from December 2023 to March 4, 2024, RACUS Organization has done significant work to promote Russian higher education in foreign countries.

In the period from December 2023 to March 4, 2024, RACUS Organization has done significant work to promote Russian higher education in foreign countries. At the education events held in 15 countries, programs in Medicine, Engineering, Economics and Humanities offered by the universities of the RACUS group were presented to foreign applicants.

picture 1 In the period from December 2023 to March 4, 2024, RACUS Organization has done significant work to promote Russian higher education in foreign countries.

More than 100,000 promotional booklets and consultations were given to applicants from the countries of southern (English-speaking countries) and northern (French-speaking countries) Africa, the Middle East and Asia, namely: Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, India, South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Kenya, Eswatini, Rwanda, Ghana, and Tanzania.

picture 2 In the period from December 2023 to March 4, 2024, RACUS Organization has done significant work to promote Russian higher education in foreign countries.

The following universities of RACUS group were the most popular among applicants: Astrakhan State Medical University, Saratov State Medical University, Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical University, Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy and Nizhny Novgorod State University for Architecture and Civil Engineering.

picture 3 In the period from December 2023 to March 4, 2024, RACUS Organization has done significant work to promote Russian higher education in foreign countries.

The correspondence with applicants as well as the process of gathering documents needed to enter Russian universities of the RACUS group is currently under way.

picture 4 In the period from December 2023 to March 4, 2024, RACUS Organization has done significant work to promote Russian higher education in foreign countries.
picture 5 In the period from December 2023 to March 4, 2024, RACUS Organization has done significant work to promote Russian higher education in foreign countries.
picture 6 In the period from December 2023 to March 4, 2024, RACUS Organization has done significant work to promote Russian higher education in foreign countries.

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