Holding of the specialized education exhibition «Study in Russia-2018» by RACUS organization in Mbabane, the Kingdom of Swaziland


picture 1 Holding of the specialized education exhibition «Study in Russia-2018» by RACUS organization in Mbabane, the Kingdom of Swaziland
On 23rd of March 2018 in the premises of Mountain inn, Mbabane, Swaziland organization RACUS held a specialized educational exhibition “Study in Russia – 2018”. In the course of the event from 9:00 to 16:00 a representative of RACUS organization in Swaziland acquainted secondary school graduates and prospective students to Russian state universities with the country’s educational system and offered full information on various educational programs offered by RACUS group universities in Russian, English and French languages.
picture 2 Holding of the specialized education exhibition «Study in Russia-2018» by RACUS organization in Mbabane, the Kingdom of Swaziland
The exhibition was a success and was marked by a considerable number of visitors. Traditionally the most fre-quent questions concerned pass grades for admission to Russian state universities, conditions of life in the country and complexity of the Russian language for foreign students. As a result of the event RACUS organization representative in Swaziland was invited to hold a seminar dedicated to study in Russia in one of the secondary schools in Mbabane. All this says about a vivid interest among the youth of Swazi-land in getting higher education abroad particularly in prestigious universities of RACUS group.
picture 3 Holding of the specialized education exhibition «Study in Russia-2018» by RACUS organization in Mbabane, the Kingdom of Swaziland
Each visitor received colorful brochures with detailed information on higher education in Russia as well as souvenirs with RACUS organization and “Study in Russia” logo. They were also invited to the rep-resentative’s office for individual consultations and application to Russian state universities.
picture 4 Holding of the specialized education exhibition «Study in Russia-2018» by RACUS organization in Mbabane, the Kingdom of Swaziland
This is already the second exhibition “Study in Russia – 2018” that took place in the capital of Swaziland this year. Another exhibition will be held there on 30th of May. These events are important elements of a systematic work aimed at popularization of Russian higher education that RACUS organization has been doing in Swaziland for more than 15 years.


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