On July 9, 2015 “RACUS” organization in cooperation with Russian Center of Science and Culture in Bethlehem held the first specialized educational exhibition “Study in Russia – 2015”. This event was widely announced through major Palestinian mass media as well as via social networks. The exhibition was preceded by a number of educational seminars in schools of Palestine, which were organized by RACUS in cooperation with the Russian Centre for Science and Culture in Bethlehem.
The visitors of the educational exhibitions were thrilled by a variety of choice among more than 500 medical, technical and engineering, economic and humanitarian specialties, which are taught not only in Russian, but also in English in the Russian state universities, which constitute the RACUS group. Traditionally, medical specialties were among the most highly-enquired after as they are in demand on Palestine's market – the source of a great influx of students. All of the interested visitors learned about the opportunity to study in Russian and English medium for a number of medical specialties at Russia's leading medical universities, such as Tambov State University, Astrakhan State Medical University, Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University Novgorod State University, Pyatigorsk Medical Pharmaceutical Institute, Saratov State Medical University.
The first specialized educational exhibition “Study in Russia – 2015” was one of the biggest educational events, which had been planned by RACUS organization in Palestine for 2015. RACUS organization, with the assistance of the Russian Centre for Science and Culture in Bethlehem, continues to promote affordable and top-quality Russian higher education in Palestine, thus making a contribution to the development of the educational and cultural relations between Palestine and Russia.
The visitors of the educational exhibitions were thrilled by a variety of choice among more than 500 medical, technical and engineering, economic and humanitarian specialties, which are taught not only in Russian, but also in English in the Russian state universities, which constitute the RACUS group. Traditionally, medical specialties were among the most highly-enquired after as they are in demand on Palestine's market – the source of a great influx of students. All of the interested visitors learned about the opportunity to study in Russian and English medium for a number of medical specialties at Russia's leading medical universities, such as Tambov State University, Astrakhan State Medical University, Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University Novgorod State University, Pyatigorsk Medical Pharmaceutical Institute, Saratov State Medical University.
The first specialized educational exhibition “Study in Russia – 2015” was one of the biggest educational events, which had been planned by RACUS organization in Palestine for 2015. RACUS organization, with the assistance of the Russian Centre for Science and Culture in Bethlehem, continues to promote affordable and top-quality Russian higher education in Palestine, thus making a contribution to the development of the educational and cultural relations between Palestine and Russia.