Foreign students studying at russian universities may be suggested to get free tickets to travel to and from the place of their study

picture 1 Foreign students studying at russian universities may be suggested to get free tickets to travel to and from the place of their study
By 2024, the number of foreign students accepted to study at Russian state universities should reach 425,000, which means that Russia will enter the TOP-5 exporting countries of higher education. In future foreign students may be granted "a free, at least one-time, ticket to travel to the place of study and back, free medical insurance, an increased scholarship that allows to really live on it, and compensation for the costs of a hostel," said Konstantin Kosachev, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council. This will make Russia very attractive for ambitious young people from all over the world. In 2021, only according to the government quota, Russia is going to accept 18,000 foreign students to study at universities, which is 3 thousand more than in 2020. In 2022, the quota will be increased to 23,000, and starting from 2023, the admission quota will reach 30,000 people annually. At the same time, the total number of foreign students studying at Russian universities (on scholarships or partial payment of their tuition) should reach 425,000 people in 2024. This is a great success in modern higher education, which proves the high quality of Russian educational programs, the worldwide recognition of diplomas and the demand for graduates by employers around the world. Group of Russian state universities RACUS (WWW.EDURUSSIA.RU) invites ambitious young people from all over the world who want to achieve success in their careers to study at the TOP-20 Russian universities on more than 500 medical, engineering, technical, economic and humanitarian specialties in Russian, English and French mediums of instruction.

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