Educational seminar for school-leavers in Kigali, Rwanda

On July 5, the RAСUS Organization held an educational seminar for the final classes of four private schools in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda. The students arrived at the event with organized buses, and for their convenience, water and snacks were provided before the beginning of the seminar.

The seminar started with a presentation and video materials highlighting the activities of the RACUS Organization and the prospects of getting higher education in Russia. The students watched the presentation with great interest, getting particularly inspired by the success stories of their compatriots who achieved significant results thanks to studying in Russia.

After the presentation, the representatives of the RACUS Organization held a question and answer session where they explained in detail the process of admission to Russian universities, tuition and accommodation fees, as well as visa and invitation processing. Students actively asked questions, especially inquiring about the medical and technical specialties, as well as employment prospects after graduation. A quiz was held with questions about Russia and its achievements, and more than 20 winners received bright T-shirts with the Study in Russia - RACUS logo. All participants of the seminar received colorful booklets and pens with the organization's logo.

The school principals thanked the RACUS Organization for holding the seminar and noted its importance and significance for the students. This event was the first case in a long time that a Russian organization visited Rwanda in order to provide information about higher education in Russia.

The seminar in Kigali became an important event for school-leavers, opening up new horizons and opportunities for further development in educational and professional activities. The RACUS Organization plans to further expand its activities in southern Africa, providing young people with the opportunity to receive a quality higher education at Russian state universities.