Annual corporate workshop in RACUS organization

On December 20 - 22, the annual corporate workshop was held in the conference hall of RACUS organization. Those days the main office hosted employees from all representative offices of the organization located in 10 cities of the European part of Russia.
picture 1 Annual corporate workshop in RACUS organization
RACUS organization pays great attention to personnel, their training and development. “Our work has always been and will be much more than just work - this is a real lifelong mission of each of us, of our tight-knit team and of all people around us. And we strive to do it better, brighter and more successful. In 2018 RACUS organization successfully held 553 educational exhibitions, workshops and conferences in 64 countries of the world, which made a great contribution to the promotion of Russian higher education abroad”, - said Avbakar Nutsalov, General Director in his welcome speech.
picture 2 Annual corporate workshop in RACUS organization
The best business trainers and specialists in various fields were invited to organize skills workshops for RACUS employees. Natalya Burlinova, head of the Center for Creative Diplomacy, a specialist in public diplomacy, reported about soft power, its methods in promoting a country's brand abroad. She also told how educational services and the organization’s activities affect the image of Russia.
picture 3 Annual corporate workshop in RACUS organization
Marina Shtonda, business consultant of the training agency «Master Class», hold a training course on the topic of “Client-oriented approach in recruiting foreign applicants”. Employees of RACUS organization improved their communication skills and made up a list of additional services that may be attractive to potential students.
picture 4 Annual corporate workshop in RACUS organization
On the final day of the conference, Arina Gorokhovskaya, a business coach and an expert in personnel development, hold a skills workshop “Team building and talent development”. Key career competencies were identified, each employee found out the most important personal areas of development, and they came up together with a list of recommendations for improving work efficiency.

picture 5 Annual corporate workshop in RACUS organization
Representatives of universities of RACUS Group of Universities - Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University, North-Caucasus Federal University, Astrakhan State Medical University, Derzhavin Tambov State University - came to RACUS organization to give presentations on their universities for the managers of the organization. A vivid discussion took place with representatives of the Nizhny Novgorod State University for Architecture and Civil Engineering, Saratov State Medical University and Saratov State Agrarian University.
picture 6 Annual corporate workshop in RACUS organization
Within the framework of the workshop Evgeniy Shevchenko, the Director of the Training and Consulting Center “Expert Center for the Evaluation of Foreign Education Documents” of the Association of Vice-Rectors for International Relations of Higher Education Institutes of North-West Russia, delivered a presentation on the topic "Recognition of foreign educational documents".
picture 7 Annual corporate workshop in RACUS organization
The representatives of the regional offices of RACUS organization (Nizhny Novgorod, Tambov, Astrakhan, Saratov, Pyatigorsk) reported on the results of their activity in 2018 and outlined plans for 2019.
picture 8 Annual corporate workshop in RACUS organization
During these three training days, the staff of RACUS organization got a lot of useful information and practical knowledge for further effective work on popularizing and promoting Russian higher education abroad and recruiting foreign youth to study at 20 universities belonging to the RACUS group.
picture 9 Annual corporate workshop in RACUS organization
At the end of these days, RACUS stuff enjoyed a solemn New Year celebration with lots of fun and laugh and a wonderful firework...

picture 10 Annual corporate workshop in RACUS organization
picture 11 Annual corporate workshop in RACUS organization

picture 12 Annual corporate workshop in RACUS organization
picture 13 Annual corporate workshop in RACUS organization

picture 14 Annual corporate workshop in RACUS organization
picture 15 Annual corporate workshop in RACUS organization

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