«Study in Russia – 2018» specialized exhibition and educational seminars held in Gaborone, Botswana by RACUS organization

picture 1 «Study in Russia – 2018» specialized exhibition and educational seminars held in Gaborone, Botswana by RACUS organization
On 7th and 8th of February 2018 a series of educational events was held in Botswana by RACUS organization in the frameworks of a promotion tour in Southern Africa.
picture 2 «Study in Russia – 2018» specialized exhibition and educational seminars held in Gaborone, Botswana by RACUS organization
Educational exhibition and seminars were arranged at the beginning of the admission period 2018/2019 in the RACUS group Russian state universities.
picture 3 «Study in Russia – 2018» specialized exhibition and educational seminars held in Gaborone, Botswana by RACUS organization
On 7th of February two largest schools of Botswana’s capital Gaborone – Maru-a-Pula and Rainbow high school hosted educational seminars “Study in Russia – 2018”. At the seminars the students learned about Russia’s history and culture, achievements of Russian scholars as well as prestigious universities – members of RACUS group that offer more than 500 programs in medicine, engineering, economics and humanities in English, French and Russian. During the seminar RACUS representatives drew particular attention to the challenge of career choice for senior school grade students emphasizing programs offered by Russian universities that correspond to highly demanded professions in Botswana.
picture 4 «Study in Russia – 2018» specialized exhibition and educational seminars held in Gaborone, Botswana by RACUS organization
On the 8th of February RACUS organization carried out an annual specialized educational exhibition “Study in Russia 2018” in Gaborone. The exhibition was inaugurated by an honorary guest, Mr. E. Migunov, attache of Russian Embassy in Botswana. In his speech he drew audience’s attention to the importance of high quality and internationally renowned education which is offered by Russian universities. He also emphasized the role of RACUS organization in promotion of Russian tertiary education abroad and providing an extensive complex of services to the Botswana school leavers ranging from first consultations in the country to graduation in Russia.
picture 5 «Study in Russia – 2018» specialized exhibition and educational seminars held in Gaborone, Botswana by RACUS organization
Another special guest was Kennedy Letlhogela who graduated with distinction from the Nizhny Novgorod state university with degree in International relations. He told the audience about his student life in Russia and thanked the RACUS organization for all its involvement and support during these years.
picture 6 «Study in Russia – 2018» specialized exhibition and educational seminars held in Gaborone, Botswana by RACUS organization
For RACUS representatives it was particularly nice to meet the parents of current students in Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg polytechnic university. They expressed their gratitude not only for support in admission to the university and arrival to Russia but also for students’ supervision during their studies and timely reports on their academic and social life. Meeting in person RACUS manager who supervises students from Botswana was a large asset in the common work towards education and professional training of Botswana youth.
picture 7 «Study in Russia – 2018» specialized exhibition and educational seminars held in Gaborone, Botswana by RACUS organization
The exhibition was a success and was characterized by warm and friendly atmosphere. Every visitor received brochures and souvenirs as well as detailed information on studying and living in Russia, and was invited to RACUS local office in Botswana for individual consultation and consequent application. During last 18 years due to RACUS organization continuous efforts Russia has the highest number of Botswana students studying abroad. At present moment Russian is the most widely spread foreign language in Botswana.
picture 8 «Study in Russia – 2018» specialized exhibition and educational seminars held in Gaborone, Botswana by RACUS organization
The seminars and the exhibition were first to open a series of educational events in Botswana in 2018 promoting Russian higher education and enrollment of Botswana youth to the RACUS group universities.

picture 9 «Study in Russia – 2018» specialized exhibition and educational seminars held in Gaborone, Botswana by RACUS organization
picture 10 «Study in Russia – 2018» specialized exhibition and educational seminars held in Gaborone, Botswana by RACUS organization

picture 11 «Study in Russia – 2018» specialized exhibition and educational seminars held in Gaborone, Botswana by RACUS organization
picture 12 «Study in Russia – 2018» specialized exhibition and educational seminars held in Gaborone, Botswana by RACUS organization

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