On March 30, 2019, group of Russian state universities RACUS together with the Russian Center for Science and Culture held an educational exhibition “Study in Russia - 2019” in the Zambian capital Lusaka.
Such educational events regularly held by RACUS organization are always very popular. And this time as well the exhibition was visited by a large number of high school students and their parents from Lusaka and suburbs.
From the representative of RACUS organization students learned that they have a unique chance to obtain high-quality higher education abroad. After all, 20 Russian state universities of RACUS group offer an education in over 500 specialties in Russian, English and French.
Now medical, engineering, economic and humanitarian specialties are in a high demand in the global labor market. That’s why every year tens of thousands of qualified specialists graduate from Russian higher education institutions and having a Russian diploma they can find a prestigious high-paid job in any country of the world.
At the exhibition Zambian youth made sure that Russia is exactly the country where it’s worth getting a higher education. The best Russian state universities of RACUS group are waiting for them! All interested applicants were invited to RACUS organization representative office in Zambia for free consultations and enrollment in a chosen Russian university.